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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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Reddevilpara last won the day on July 8 2019

Reddevilpara had the most liked content!

Community Reputation

152 Excellent

About Reddevilpara

  • Birthday 10/13/1956


  • Skates
    Bauer Total One NXG, Bauer MX3 LE
  • Hockey Bag
    Warrior Team Bag
  • Shin Pads
    Bauer Supreme NXG
  • Elbow Pads
    CCM Ultra Tacks D30
  • Shoulder Pads
    Eagle PPF
  • Pants
  • Helmet
    CCM V08, CCM Fitlite FL 80
  • Gloves
    Warrior Dynasty AX1
  • Stick
    Warrior Widow

Profile Information

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  • Interests
    Hockey and starting revolutions in Third World Countries.
  • Location
    Huntington Beach, CA Doha, Qatar Nakon Phanom, Thailand
  • Gender

Contact Methods

  • Yahoo

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  1. Played for The Finns last night!
  2. Don't know release date but here you go:
  3. 1994 Glacial Gardens Anaheim CA...................Bauer 5000s with Black Tuuks, Cooper 4 Roll Short Cuff Pro Stock Gloves, CCM HT2 Helmet, Sherwood 7000 Twig, CCM Pants and all Jofa underneath...............state of the art back then!
  4. We have a few "Dedicated" Refs over here in Doha, Qatar but to make the League work we have to have players Ref so sometimes they've played a game prior and just throw on a Ref Jersey. This was one of those cases 🙂
  5. When The Coyotes opened The Ice Den back in 1998 I was the first Manager of the Pro Shop there. It's a great area, best place I've ever lived short of my current home in Thailand. I think the area could use another Hockey shop, especially one that offers profiling and other skate services. We had Doc Fleger former Bruins Equipments Manager when we first opened, but I don't think the Ice Den has offered anything since in the way of custom work. I'd say for it! I think you'll like the area and the Hockey is pretty awesome there.
  6. In my second pair of Trues. Went Black with Tuuks and Step Black Steel this time, first pair was Black/White.............The Black Steel is incredible. After Trying the True/Step Holder went back to the Tuuks. There is a slight weight difference.
  7. 2 Shots from last nights game here in Doha
  8. New Season here in The "Q", new team. So far after 5 games tied for the League scoring lead..........with my Center!
  9. Possibly the most awesome Unis I've seen. There was a team in this years Bangkok Tourney that wore the Old School Kings Jerseys but with The Crown, they were The Ramas which is Thai for King!. Really like these!
  10. I dumped my Jet Speeds for Trues, best skate I've ever had. Great she has a good fit, brand doesn't really matter, I've worn everything. It's all about the fit!
  11. What happened to The Jet Speeds????
  12. I worked for The Coyotes when they wore this Jersey. Being a Kings Fan I really didn't understand the concept of the look until I moved to Scottsdale. It fits the area and was a really nice uni. I wish I still had my Coyote gloves and I had an awesome Sand Color Center Ice Practice Jersey and just about every other color. Glad to see these back.
  13. New Tongues for my Trues. Putting a little "Hooah" in my Skates!
  14. I have both the True XC9 and The Warrior QRL Pros. Both are Pro Stock and both 13" gloves. The Warriors are Gaudreau and the True XC9 is Hoffman in Ottawa Colors. Truth be told I'm happy with both pair. The Trues being Pro Stock do not have the zipper palms. The Warrior's in my case have a much tighter fit.
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