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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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  1. Hey JR or anybody else - what would be the easiest way to find a reputable retailer/person who can fit me for the Total Custom process? (not the 3d scan one but the total custom)
  2. Interested in hearing feedback too as well as people’s experience with the whole fitting process. If I wanted to go the full custom route could anyone recommend the best person/shop to do the job?
  3. Curious about these blades as well - anyone have experience with Tydan and Step and can compare the two?
  4. Hey everyone, I have a pair of Mako II's and I want to put some Tuuks on them. I have spoken to a couple of people on here, as well as read this forum, and according to everyone the holes line right up. But today I called two separate LHS and both said that they could do it but would have to drill holes. Are these just employees who are not nearly as knowledgeable as the people on this forum and don't know what they're talking about? And if that is the case how do I get them done by someone who knows that the holes will, in fact, line up and no extra drilling will be necessary? Thanks
  5. Hey Chadd, thanks for the response. If I did that would it also be worthwhile for the new steel to be the Mako Step Steel since it already has a less aggressive pitch?
  6. Hey guys, I've had these skates for almost exactly a year- coming from about 6-7 years of Vapor line usage. I am having some fit issues although I do have to admit that they fit better than most skates and certainly better than the APX's I'm coming from. So for the most part, things are going well. The main thing is that I am not sure I am completely for the extremely aggressive pitch. For some reason I just don't feel as solid on my feet as I do in Vapors. So as a result I have been thinking of swapping out the CXN holder for some Tuuks. I have spoken with one pro shop guy who I respect and he said he's done it before and it's gone well- he just said that he may have to add something or do something (speak that was over my head) but promised it wouldn't mess with the integrity with the boot. I am a bit of a novice when it comes to the construction of a boot so does that response make sense? I know several pros wear Mako's with Tuuks so is this something I can also do or would others on here absolutely tell me not to make the switch from CXN to Tuuks? If it is the case that I should not loose the CXN holder is my only option then to look into the Step Steel for the Mako to help make them feel better? If it can be done, would making the switch from CXN to Tuuks make the skate feel more like a Bauer/Vapor in terms of feel on the ice, particularly with stability? I'm just looking for anything people have to say. And if the answer is that I can swap them out and that I should if I choose to do so, do the holes line up perfectly or does anything need to be modified or finagled? Thanks for any and all responses.
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