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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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Jamarquan last won the day on August 10 2020

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201 Excellent

About Jamarquan

  • Birthday November 5


  • Skates
    Bauer Vapor X500
  • Hockey Bag
    Easton Synergy Elite 33"
  • Shin Pads
    Bauer Supreme 150
  • Elbow Pads
    Bauer Vapor X700
  • Shoulder Pads
    CCM QLT 270
  • Pants
    Bauer Nexus 800
  • Helmet
    Bauer IMS 9.0
  • Gloves
    CCM Tacks 5092
  • Stick
    Warrior Alpha QX Pro

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    Greenwich, CT / Columbia, MO
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  1. That was the game the Islanders probably wanted. Low scoring, controlling possession (obviously the power play time helped), playing physical, and they blew it on two bad goals and not converting 11 minutes of PP time. Brock Nelson probably has a concussion and he's kind of irreplacable. This sucks lol. Hopefully we can grab a win in Game 3 but who knows.
  2. Game One was the one I thought the Islanders needed the most. They had 5 days less rest and came off a series that they nearly blew against Philly. Jumping out to a lead would have really given them energy, now they've got their work cut out for them against a really good team. We'll see how they adjust tonight against the fastest team they've seen yet.
  3. Not sure if I'm allowed to link to it, but the release date should be the 28th from what I found on reddit.
  4. I mean, we don't need to feel sad about it anymore. It's become clear that by playing more as a team instead of focusing all on one player that we can do more. He's certainly talented enough to have been useful to any team, but it's not like he's the missing piece or anything, and to be perfectly honest I don't care if Isles fans want to rip the guy for leaving and not making any progress for the Leafs as long as they aren't wishing him death or injury or personal tragedy. Nobody on either side is gonna let this go until the contract is over or when he's not on the team anymore. Leafs fans held a damn appreciation day for him after he came back to Long Island and got heckled, which is weird but fine, until I saw people ripping up blue and white #91 jerseys and saying he should be traded last night. It goes both ways, and I do think that any team making it beyond the Leafs should be worth something right now because when you invest $40 million into your top 4 forwards and can't find any reasonable amount of success after all the hype surrounding it, to the point where members of the fanbase want to get rid of all their hypertalented players for one reason or another, nobody's gonna feel sorry for Leafs fans. If you (not you specifically) talk a big game but can't win the big game, then everyone's gonna get their digs in. As a player though, this is a little surprising. He's usually more of a sure thing in the postseason, but on a team like this where it's so clear how they act once they go down a goal, there's no way he should be the captain.
  5. Islanders fans on social media just rolling in the filth tonight and I couldn't be more happy about it. Two years in a row of making it further than the Leafs.
  6. Aw, hell. I was so ready to bury the Leafs tonight. Really hoping Columbus comes out hot in Game 5.
  7. Jordan Eberle did it last year as well in Game 3. It's a hard shooting angle but Murray seems to have been beaten by it quite often, although I haven't played goal since probably 6th grade so I don't know if there's a better technique to use in that situation. Link to Eberle goal, about 1:15 in:
  8. On one hand, I don't want them to get Lafreniere. On the other hand, it's always fun to see the Rangers get swept. Carolina's a good team.
  9. My college has such a half baked plan to bring students to campus (plus college students aren't great at following the rules anyway) that I'm almost certain I'm going to just withdraw and take community college classes online instead. I want to believe that I could actually stay on campus all year but from what I've heard from other students it's not gonna last more than two weeks.
  10. The Blue Jackets play so hard that I think if they can stifle the Leafs early they'll never recover. My biases against Toronto aside I really do think they're cooked if they don't come out hot.
  11. This is my most anticipated series because of the rivalry factor, if Connor Hellebuyck is as good as he was in the regular season then I think the Jets will be fine.
  12. I think I'm the only Islanders fan on the site, that said I feel relatively uneasy about this series because I think both teams should have been better this season. I have enough confidence in our team to pull out a win but it could totally go either way and we'll see how the layoff changes things. Having Adam Pelech back will be massive if he's at 100 percent.
  13. Update: Two teammates have corroborated his story https://thehockeynews.com/news/article/carcillos-former-teammates-back-up-hazing-and-sexual-assault-allegations Trigger warning for people who are made uncomfortable by this stuff, but it needs to be heard.
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