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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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BigT last won the day on May 1 2022

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  1. BigT

    Base hockey

    Got the same email. Completely out of the blue.
  2. Noticed these while watching a game the other day as well. Absolute beauts!!
  3. I thought CCM had paused the retail custom ordering? Are they back to taking orders?
  4. Agreed. I ordered a batch and while they don't have the performance of my trusty FT3 Pros, for the money and options they allow you to customize, they really can't be beat. Great sticks.
  5. You need to the sticker code (almost like a barcode) at the top of the shaft to know what the build actually is. What does it say?
  6. That's a bummer about no color options for the Jetspeeds. That red striping on the FT4 Pro is awful in my opinion. Will this change in the future?
  7. I would definitely order some right-handed tapered Kovalev blades if they became available.
  8. It would be nice if someone who work at a LHS here could call RBK today to see if we can get them retail or by custom order. this is a good idea
  9. can those skates be purchased as custom, like graf does with their gw's?
  10. how is the sizing of the one90? i am currently in the old vapor 10s size 8.5EE and will be needing a new pair soon, would i be in the same size in the one90? sorry if this has been asked before
  11. i don't wanna jack your thread but are they going to offer a EE width in the One90
  12. those are the 06 Synergy 800's so these white skates that robitaille has are a synergy variant? new model?
  13. does anyone know for sure which particular skate this is? also, will it be offered as retail or probably be a custom option?
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