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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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Everything posted by #44wannabe

  1. Just passed my test about three weeks ago. My first ride (and NO i did NOT put the numbers on the sides) Theres abit of rust here and there but with some tlc she'll be beautiful! Sorry for the big pics i dont know how to get them smaller
  2. How was your sieve *cough* i mean goalie?
  3. Nope, i'm a London boy. I played Juniors with Adam.
  4. Yeah, good times! Tell him Ali says hi and that Donut is a bit sore after last night..... (Don't ask, he'll understand)
  5. Is Adam Dabek your goalie? Second from left:
  6. They're stock, you have to pay seriously big $$ to get custom skates in england. To be honest i wouldn't have changed anything about them anyway, they are the most comfy skates i've ever had! The LS2's are way nicer to skate on than the Cobra's....
  7. My new skates :D Sorry for the big pic....
  8. Loving the visor, pure hotness. That you in your avatar?
  9. They tape a lot of the high school sports around here, especially during this time of the year. That was our regional finals, two more wins and we're going to state. But yeah, that second goal I wasn't trying to score obviously, just trying to throw it out in to the center and see if someone else could put it home. One more win....
  10. Sorry to hog the thread... Last two of the season from our last game of the season; Me skating to the penalty box (again); And blocking a shot;
  11. Actually having looked into it more I found the name of the guy that contacted me. He was called Joe Trotter and he was actually playing for the u18 team, rather than the senior squad. Still funny though... never let the facts get in the way of a good story Hahahaha! I know the kid. He's thebiggest muppet ever! Apparently he was going away to prison on a long sentence for armed robbery of a money van. Somehow he only missed 1 week of training all year...
  12. Haha! I have no idea who that was, i only signed this year.
  13. Copenhagen dip,ahhhh. It's so nice! I want some....
  14. Heres me sporting our nice new short covers
  15. Bauer 8090 skates Bauer 4000 helmet with oakley small visor *new addition* Itech shorts (dont know model) CCM 452 shin pads Fury 2004 gloves Sherwood 5030 elbow pads Sherwood 5030 shoulders (size small) *new addition* Warrior AK27 shaft and blade (85 flex with Jovanoski curve) RBK 5k shaft with Easton comp blade (Lidstrom)
  16. Haha, very true. The main difference difference being that it's in my genes never to say no to a dance! Since it's obligitory to wear a visor if you are born after 1974 in my league then the tilted up bad boy is usually the only because i have to visor. There are exceptions though as with anything! As for the Fury gloves they are the worst gloves i've ever had but they were free so i wear them anyways cos im a cheap b*stard.
  17. Here's another one for you guys... Rocking the AK27 bad boy now :D
  18. Yh, well we lost 8-2 so that might explain it....
  19. Worst possible picture ever!! I knew i shouldn't have had that Vindaloo before the game... I'm on the far right at the face off. Making sure he is well and truly off the puck...
  20. Leave the kid be, he still needs a name sticker on his bucket...
  21. Yeah, the guy on the other team is just a tool. He clearly did not want to fight, was clearly not a fighter, was much smaller and he caught him off gaurd. what a gimp...
  22. Me after my punch up in sundays game. Im #24 in the first 'fight'. There were very few punches thrown. I got one or two in at the end by the boards.
  23. Me in tryouts for an ED1 team in england. I look kinda wierd in the first pic though.... lol.
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