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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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Everything posted by #44wannabe

  1. Popped into my LHS where i was helping out in the run up to xmas to be presented with a Graf box... in it were a pair of custom grafs EXACTLY the same as i had asked about pricing on! Turns out they just ordered them for me, the only downside is they want me to pay for them despite not actually ordering them yet. I suppose the big plus is that they understand that i cant pay for them right away so when i want them they are there ready for me! I got boot only G70's in white with a white felt tongue. Should have the money soon so will post up pics ASAP! EDIT: Spelling
  2. I had a customer come in the other day who was looking to fit his son out for all new gear for christmas as presents from his rich aunt. He told me straight up that he wasn't looking to buy that day but wanted to know what size equipment his son would need. While i was helping them my manager came along and took me to one side and told me to be as unhelpful as possible because they were going to buy online. I told my manager that i was going to be helpful and give them my advice, if they buy online so be it but as we're not busy im going to help. The next week they came in and admitted to having thought about buying online but as i was so helpful they wanted to buy from me. I took great pleasure in telling my manager this the next day when they were in :D
  3. Haha, i love it!! Sweet uni's too. Cages and tie downs, who'd have thought that would be on the menu tonight ;) . I love having tie downs!
  4. Do i spy a tie down on your jerseys?!
  5. Three words - Schwalbe Stelvio Plus. More puncture protective and actually have grip when its wet. 3000k and still not one flat!
  6. Ok, i've just started working in what is kind of an LHS (they try and sell bikes, skate boards, scooters etc. as well) and my god! Apparently they've been on a sharpening training course but i have never seen anyone (except them) man-handle a skate sharpener so much. Instead of going in one direction with the flow of the grind they wheel they just hammer it backwards and forth, the cross grinder has never been used, the blade clamp is never adjusted or checked, they managed to jam the diamond into one set position so you cant choose your grind and they dont check to see if the edges even after the skates are sharpened. Oh and to top it off they charge £7 for this and they literally do a pair of skates in under 2 minutes... JR, when are you coming to England for a masterclass?
  7. Man i want one of these, it'll probably end up being twice the price by the time i get it to the uk though...
  8. Games Sheet, you get 2+2 for roughing if you fight over here. I think I hold a world record.... Discussing the economy... Poke Check!
  9. Well if it did connect it didn't leave a lasting impression... No, Alexandra Palace still has nets from the top of the boards to the ceiling, the game was in Gillingham. Home Rink pic:
  10. Its in the video's of yourself thread.
  11. Haringey Greyhounds, English National League Division 1
  12. Im maintaining that i dodged it as my face fine lol. Pics dont really do the fight justice (but i would say that...) so ill post a video when its up.
  13. A few from my scrap on Sunday. Not the greatest but thats to be expected when they are taken from the other teams website... (im in Blue)
  14. Hmm well i guess one customer can't keep a business going....
  15. RBK 4K Helmet (given a choice between that a 6K, i prefered the feel) Itech X100 Visor Sherwood 5030 Shouldies (size SMALL) Sherwood Momentum X8 Pants (nice lil freebie from Jr A camp) Itech POS gloves (POS=Piece of S***) CCM 652 Shins Graf Ultra G70 skates with Lightspeed 2's. Sherwood 5030 Elbow pads And thats an OG Stealth in there too
  16. Customer: Errr my wheel wouldn't fit into my frame so i jammed it in and now my rotor is bent. Me: It's a 203mm rotor like you asked for, you said your bike was set up for it. Custmoer: Yeah, it has disc brakes. So are you going to replace it? Me: Are you going to pay for it? Customer: I want to speak to the manager! Me: *head explodes*
  17. Im with Scurvy, i get it all the time with bikes. Customers that know eveything then fuck their bikes up and blame us....
  18. Well, i just got a 1993 Dodge Dakota LE for $1700. 5.2 ltr V8 - oh so much fun!
  19. I've seen on girl wear a visor here in the UK but as soon as she turned up to play a game she was told to put a cage on. P.S. AWESOME pic!
  20. Yh, I meant his dad that was coaching there lol.
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