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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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Everything posted by #44wannabe

  1. Nope, but i get people to bring it back America when they go. Hate it when supply is thin, ciggarettes kill my endurance. Here that kids, DONT SMOKE!
  2. PM me your email address, ice is expensive here (unless you don't mind pint size sobell) so it may just have to be a pint sized beverage. (Pubs 'round here are easy on ID)
  3. Yh, sounds good - as long its in London haha.
  4. Nope its actually a Palace. The claim we can't have plexi because its a listed building, but thats BS so we're stuck with netting all the way around.
  5. Should've used public transport like! Im hardcore man! Heres a few more from DeathMoves' last training with us :( Friendly good bye scrap Hennasee! (Death moves knows what im on about!) To infinity and beyond - my amazing Buzz Lightyear impression Obligatory post training beer Scrapping again Teammate crazy James Here's a quick video that i made up for my GCSE ice hockey assessment for Phys Ed. Video For full effect of making me seem better than i am please watch in full screen mode.
  6. Jackson/Charvel Bass in White Marshall 12 watt amp.
  7. haha, our kits suck. They're made out that stupid mesh stuff. They're cold and rip way too easily.
  8. You know a lil (well 15, but size wise) kid called Timmy on your team? (Possibly)
  9. I'm #24 as you probably guessed Me staring at my shiny gloves.......
  10. Ermmm your visor is on upside down......
  11. No, your blade should be flush to the floor. That nob is to get a more accurate reading.
  12. So you mean Intrigue=Genesis ? no its a euro only genesis, i dont know what he means by saying its an intrigue Hmmmm lets see, well, one the shaft it says Intrigue maybe? No mention of genesis on them over here......
  13. Only had them 1 week so far. The colour is the main reason why I got them, But the feel is 2nd to none! Got called a whore at training and a few m8s threathned to get puck marks on them. :lol: *Haters* lol! :lol: I believe i succeeded lol.
  14. Its an intrigue, lots of them over here.
  15. Helmet: Nike 0004 with a true vision cage (navy) Shoulder pads: Customized koho 4480 (the silver ones) and some old coopers Elbows: Sherwood 5030 Gloves: Bauer supreme 2000s in navy Shorts: some grafs. Shins: CCm 652 Skates: Bauer 8090s Sticks: 2 Bauer vapor xv with gagne xv blades
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