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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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Everything posted by theinfamoust94

  1. I'm bigger in the waist as well. I'm hoping getting back on the ice can help. I bought a pair of supreme S190 pants. They have a nice design with velcro straps that sit on your stomach so you don't have to rely on them sitting on your waist. I like the S190 more than the 1S because it has less material that makes it lighter plus considering its beer league I don't think you need the same protection NHLers do.. plus they're cheaper than a 1S pant.
  2. Just got these bad boys converted over the weekend. First time playing roller in almost 10 years should be a good time
  3. Yes I did get them baked of course. I'm not a barbarian! 😂
  4. My dad bought a pair of Trues and didn't like them; said they were too hard to put on. Bought some Supremes and gave me his Trues. Luckily for me our feet are very similar besides me having a flat arch. I've been wearing them for about 2 months now and while they started out painful in the arches, I absolutely love them now. I was very afraid that they wouldn't break into a foot that it wasn't specifically made for, but I was wrong. If they fit somewhat correct, they can break in and they are incredible skates. My hats off to VH and True for their hard work.
  5. Also is an iOS/Android app a possibility?
  6. Agreed! and during the podcast you could have a forum open for members of MSH to ask questions for the podcast to answer. The forum itself obviously gives room for answering questions, but hearing it vocally could be special for members as well
  7. I don’t think this will be the most unpredictable series of the playoffs but I sure think it’ll be one of the most entertaining
  8. Looks like the original 1X tongue
  9. Hey Dudes So tonight I had a rough game energy-wise. I didn't feel as much motivation to chase the puck, get open, etc. I am not in the best shape for sure, but I've played much better than this lately. There were a couple of factors to this, but to shorten things the main reason I'd say is that I didn't get a whole lot to eat today (tried to take this home-made pre-workout my wife has to compensate.. didn't work so well) I know my nutrition today didn't help for this at all before I get a response about that.. I was just wondering what you guys eat before a game or if there's any supplements you use that help you get amped up... besides cocaine. Thanks guys
  10. Hey guys wondering where to find a pair of CCM insoles in either low or mid in size Large I have a pair of Super-tacks I'm breaking in and get a terrible blister on the inside arch.. Specifically on the right foot. As a preface, I've tried super-feet and they don't work for me and one time I tried out Bauer Speed-plates and broke my leg in them.. Too superstitious to wear them again. If anyone knows I'd appreciate it because it seems like eBay, HockeyMonkey, and Pure Hockey are all getting to the point where they only have the harder to sell sizes left. Thanks guys
  11. Noticed that nobody's talked about doing this to Bauers.. Is this only possible for CCM's? I have a pair of supertacks though and I might do this when they start chipping
  12. Helmet: Bauer 4500 Elbows: Jofa 9135 Senior Shoulders: Sherwood Vintage 5030 Shins: Easton Synergy HSX Gloves: Bauer APX Pro Skates: CCM Super Tacks Pants: Supreme Total One Sticks: CCM Jetspeed Pro Stock 90 Flex Grip P90 Curve (on route) Bauer Vapor 1X Lite 87 Flex Grip P88 Curve Bauer Nexus 1N 87 Flex Grip P88 Curve Easton Stealth CX 85 Flex E35 Curve
  13. Just seeing this and I'm excited for your idea! I wear my Apple watch and use the general exercise to stick and pucks and shinny, but I'm afraid to wear it in a full game since my wife dropped her Apple Watch onto tile from 3 feet and it cracked and she paid 300 dollars to fix it. Pretty expensive fix when the watch itself is 500. Just afraid of getting a back hack to the screen and cracking it.
  14. @chocks86 Is there no hockey shops in Dallas that sells Black steel? Usually if you buy it from the shop they'll profile it for free, but maybe thats just Canada. To be fair I just bought CCM tacks skates in Salt Lake City and they wouldn't but TUUKs on without charging me even though I told them they could keep the CCM holders and Steel so maybe American shops are a little more stingy, but I feel like if you went to a shop and ordered the Steel through them at a place like Pure Hockey that they'd do the profiling and installation for free. Also be careful on your holders and if they're compatible. When I bought BlackEdge, they only had it for TUUKs that didn't have the steel for the TUUKs with the easy-remove trigger. But that was probably a year and a half ago so things could have changed. I'd take a look to make sure they're compatible with your holders.
  15. Do it. It feels awesome and holds a sharpen forever. And it looks filthy!
  16. Thank you.. posted a second time but didn't get the notification.. Is that US or CAN?
  17. My dads interested in a pair of those Trues but doesn't know how much they cost. My brother talked him into a pair of 1x's that are hurting him. If someone could give me even a broad range I'd appreciate it.
  18. What is the price for a pair of True skates? I'm looking all over the website but can't find a solid answer
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