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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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Everything posted by ParabolicActivity

  1. Since it looks like CCM is bringing back the P19 curve, I am wondering if it is a P92 clone. I hated the P92 I had for a little bit. But I saw a P19 at the rink a while ago and thought it looked like a curve I could use. I am a P38, PM9 kind of player. The amount of hook on a P88 messes with my finish on hard passes and accuracy on shots. But then I am curious about P19s because the new Triggers will have them and people are saying they are a P92 clone. To me they looked like they had less hook especially near the toe. Has anyone here used both? Would the P30s suite my preferences better? I have avoided them because they will probably not he around long.
  2. Are there any righties with a pro stock similar to Datsyuk? From the looks of that curve it is ideal for hard passes from any spot on the blade.
  3. Yes. In silver ish grey? With real light grey graphics on the hosel so that all you can see from any distance is a small Warrior logo and an "AK" with "TWENTY SEVEN" written too light to be seen?
  4. I appreciate it. Unfortunately mine isn't included there.
  5. I got two AK27s at Paranis last winter. Two for $120. They are black with silver graphics with white logos. All of the sticks only came in a W01 curve, which is why I got them. I have never seen anything similar to them anywhere else. The blade is a bit heavier than say my Triggers, but otherwise I love them and the puck feel is better than any other stick I use. Not great "pop" though. Does anyone here know any spit where I can find more out about the sticks I have?
  6. Base and STX aren't comparable. I was halfway through a thread here about "Base Hockey sticks" before I realized the discussion was about a brand and not low end models. STX on the other hand is a strongly established brand known for quality. Anyone who has ever walked into a sports store has seen STX gear. They literally took lacrosse from being an ultra niche sport to having more registered lacrosse players than hockey players in the USA. I know that and I've never played 1 minute of lacrosse. Base is cool but STX is huge.
  7. It may be worth bringing up doing the build your own stick thing a lot of direct sales smaller companies offer. If you were selling a truely top tier customizable stick for under $200 I have a feeling I would be seeing them all over. A Surgeon with a P38 like blade and a lie 4.5. Sick!!!! Call up your boys, let's do this.
  8. STX is a very established lacrosse brand. They have a reputation in the industry. Base is cool but their brand is not similar to STX. I do love their site though.
  9. You would think selling direct they could offer more curves because they don't have to produce massive amounts of rach curve. Maybe a consideration for future generations. As much as a lot of what STX is doing feels weird, it could turn out pretty sweet too. We all love going to the LHS and I hate when they struggle, but at the same time more direct sales could totally change how gear is bought. Maybe when you go to buy a stick you could have a ton of patterns and lie's to choose from. Or custom fitting more gear than just skates. Or even just simply lower cost.
  10. Because they made you experience Baltimore or because they are selling direct?
  11. The RX2 kick point was the shit IMO. Truely variable. I would be super excited to see what has changed on the RX3 but no X9 curve. We will see what the deal is with custom sticks but I would say it is very unlikely I purchase any more STX sticks. I still have one in each price point of the RX2 though so I really don't need one anyway.
  12. There was a discussion on another site a few months back where someone was talking about the astounding asking price of getting one of those guys to mention a new sock they were producing. I am sure STX can pay it and I am equally sure it will pay off. The thing is that they sold a lot of RX2 sticks by people just picking them up in the store. There's now I got my first one. I picked it up and went 'oh wow'. The new pricing helps quite a bit but we all know hockey players are weird about new stuff. So they will want in depth videos. As an aside, does anyone know if the PureGrip shaft has ever been used in the NHL? I have watched several different rounds of clips of guys with RX2s and all the NHL guys seem to be using normal dimensions.
  13. Yeah. They're going to need to find reputable folks to give sticks out to for the sake of videos. I know Coach Jeremy and Pavel Barber charge like a trillion dollars just to mention a product but I am sure it pays off.
  14. Well, there are sure to be a ton of questions about that. So yes, please, details!
  15. X9. X9 X9 X9. Where is it? That's literally the most important question.
  16. Even their low end stuff if pretty good. I use my RX2.2 when things get chippy at drop in and it's a totally decent stick. I got it for $100. If the cheaper 3.2 is the same quality, that is a massive steal.
  17. https://www.stx.com/hockey/gear/surgeon Looks very nice.
  18. My Ribcors have black felt. Does CCM offer replacements?
  19. The weird thing we both realized is that the cheaper model P38 has a bit more abrupt hook. It seems to have more hook overall and some extra little bend near the toe. It is subtle but very real. So it isn't an issue of less curve, it is more.
  20. A follow Redditor and I were talking about P38 curves when we realized we had both noticed that the lower end P38 and the higher end P38 are different. Has anyone else noticed this type of thing? How does this happen?
  21. I don't think STX has even gotten any pro player to use their new shaft design yet. Every Surgeon I've seen a pro using lacks the added area. So I can't imagine this stick will ever even get a glance by serious players.
  22. $5 says your skating improves if you adjust your style to fit the lie 5 instead of going on an expensive search for the right stick in a higher lie. Im not trying to be a jerk. I went on the expensive search first......
  23. Oh man. Prepare for the anti-True crowd to bombard you for drinking to kool-aid.
  24. He's kind of politely telling you its obvious you're ruining a thread for whatever gratification it is you get from making comments that rile people up.
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