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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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Everything posted by Paddy

  1. Am I crazy or am I seeing more guys wearing these in the NHL this year? Maybe I'm just taking more notice...
  2. I have a dented eyelet on my supertacks. It was apparently a factory defect, i noticed it when i got home with my new skates, before ever hitting the ice. It's held up though...
  3. Check out the clamp use at the end of this video. I'd think a little heat gun action and clamps could concentrate on the hell lock issue. On mobile, hope the link works.
  4. Thanks for the additional photos. I really might spring for these elbows next time i have money burning a hole in my pocket.
  5. If it stays that way, it may put a hurting on the no name undercutting stick companies that sell direct to consumer. Same price, with a big name behind one; i know who I'd pick. I don't break sticks, so warranties mean very little, but the warranty policy from the no names is also pretty terrible from what i read.
  6. I'm right there with you. I cut an old stick extremely short and absolutely loved it, did wonders for my hand eye. That said, the 87 flex is now way too stiff for me, and I've missed some poke checks/interceptions by just an inch or two.
  7. Crazy. I couldn't get my supertacks on my feet before they went in the oven.
  8. That is the most orange orange I've ever seen. Brighter than hunting clothes.
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