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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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Everything posted by ronnychencharik

  1. Caught a puck on the inside of my wrist during my game. I saved a goal, but it will be a big bruise methinks.
  2. Good times in the locker room after the game, nothing beats it.
  3. Detroit Hitmen, made the team at a tryout camp in Kalamazoo(?) I think.
  4. Friend of mine is playing in that league too. I dont know if he is going to be playing that much.
  5. Your really shouldnt watch porn on your laptop when taking photos of your gloves lol ;) not porn, was watching dexter on my laptop while coloring the gloves. Yes. I've been watching this show for... 4 days now.
  6. I'm going to use that, thanks.
  7. How did you secure those? I like how that looks.
  8. My buddy's wedding reception is tonight, awesome. Free rides home, even better.
  9. R flex, drury clone. Theres a couple of paint chips but the blade is still solid. Did I mention I got that for free?
  10. Been a while since an update Helmets- Bauer 4000 (black w/ Oakley pro modified) Bauer 4000 (white w/ white 480) skates- X:40 elbows- NBH one90 shins- NBH one90 gloves- Eagle x70, Harrow Torch (highly recommended), CCM 852 shoulder- old school Coopers sticks-warrior dolo 2 w/ kovalev Mission Hex-1 prostock shaft w/ AK27 kovalev Ultra lite w/ AK27 kovalev x2 Converted one90 OPS all 85 flex and tons of other drury and sakic blades
  11. Newest shot of my sticks. And my newest acquisition that I'm psyched about.
  12. If anyone likes power metal check out Gamma Ray or Blind Guardian. edit: spelling
  13. It looks fine if you put your socks on over it.
  14. Just saw on NHL.com that he is tied for 1st in goals and tied for 2nd in points for the preseason.
  15. It looked like it and I was curious. Thats a pretty big place for inline isn't it?
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