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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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Everything posted by halfmoonyote

  1. @Hattrick - I couldn't agree more on the original Warrior Pro Series/4 roll gloves. For $100, they are absolutely one of the best values on the market. A perfect combination of comfort, durability and aesthetic. I will say, I like the color layout of these better. These look great. I am interested in hearing how they perform. I have this colorway in the Pro Series, and the cuff and fingers are red, instead of Blue like these. If you look at Dennis Wideman's gloves, his are this exact colorway.
  2. I think their service leaves a lot to be desired when it comes to 'custom' products. But I am always amused when people go off the deep end with effusive praise for the place when all they did was a.) place an order for a stick in stock and b.) receive said order of stick in stock. That's sort of how commerce works these days. That does not constitute "excellent service". Sometimes I wonder if PSHG should even be in the custom business. That is not an indictment on them at all, but if they aren't willing to really listen to customers requests and needs, they shouldn't put themselves - or the customer - through the motions. EDIT: What I find curious, however, is why so many people in the States order their custom gloves through PSHG when there are many, many US retailers that can facilitate the order. I wonder if it has anything to do with the price...
  3. Cavs - great looking wheels. Man oh man are they nice. I just tried a pair on myself but they were just a touch too shallow for my feet. I'll be interested to hear how they perform for you.
  4. BEAUT! Looks awesome. What flex? Great find.
  5. Yeah, I've heard nothing but positive things about the Bar Down glove. Warrior gives their customers tremendous value in those retail gloves that are spec'd similar to it's pro counterpart. I have a pair of the Pro Series gloves that are one of the nicest pair in my collection, and I have used everything.
  6. Sounds good K2A...I figured it was just the angle of the photo. Really nice looking stick. Mules has been through a ton of variations with his pattern, he'd obsessively tweak it. But he seems to be settled with the Ovie clone.
  7. K24a and SteelNations Mueller Easton RS look different, IMO. If you look on SteelNations, there is an elliptical taper (like an S19/RS) and there isn't the gray/yellow triangle printed in the hosel area that is on K24s. Additionally, K24's taper/hosel area looks squarish. Did both come from the same spot?
  8. I'll have to take your word for it. Either way, it will be interesting if he's out of Eagle gloves this season. Nice looking curve.
  9. Yeah, the Panthers drafted Jovo, but he re-signed with them this summer. As an aside, I wonder if Jovo is leaving Eagle? He's been in Eagle gloves forever. I know these Warrior mitts (in Dupes photo) were just be a sample for him, but I honestly never saw any other manu's glove samples for Jovo in PHX, ever.
  10. Jeez Dupes. How in the world did you land the FLA Jovo gloves, already??!! They are killer. And I love the CBJ Clark mitts too.
  11. The Vanek Creepers are beauts. The Creeper glove, overall, is my favorite.
  12. Dupes you have excellent taste in gloves. Man oh man. Where do you find these gems? Fatwabbit and Sirunsky also with nice gloves a few pages back.
  13. In a major mechanical slump, shooting-wise. I'm trying to 'arm' every wrister, the number shot in my game. Atrocious game last night.
  14. That Horton Diablo looks awesome Gr8. Love it. And again, agreed w/Gr8, Harv, Sharks25, Wabbit, etc regarding the authenticity of the sticks...it's peculiar to me the conspiracy theorists that are so quick to jump on things as repaints. @9kpump - your reaction(s) is strange. Why do you seem so bothered? I ask genuinely, not baiting.
  15. WOW - those Skrastins are BEAUTS! Man oh man. Love 'em.
  16. That is an outstanding idea, I had never thought of that. I'm going to try that this summer. I've always heated them and flared them as wide as I possibly could, but I really dig your idea too. I play D also, and I like my shins super wide, like Pavol Demitra's shins wide. As an aside, I've always wondered what he used.
  17. Dupes! That is sick!! That's a lot of skates - and coin!!
  18. The Mission gloves are beauts.
  19. Amazing gloves. Absolutely amazing.
  20. Snake - I actually don't treat the palms with anything. I get them out of my bag AS SOON as I get home. It's the first thing I do. They go right on a shelf in a spacious room to air out. I do know that leaving digi in your bag, even for one night, is going to lead to premature breakdown and holes. Additionally, I use powerflex tape on all my sticks so its less wear and tear on the palms, as opposed to traditional tape. I am not embellishing when I tell you the first two holes I ever got in a digi palm, they were 2 seasons old. Maybe my experiences aren't typical, but I've had pretty good luck with digital and I swear by it. I had goat on my Eagle Rivet's and while super comfy and super plush, it felt too thick for my tastes.
  21. Don't really post my new hauls much anymore, but I was too jazzed about this pickup. Just bought a pair of these, and going back for the other 2 later... Richard Park pro stock. I used to LOVE this pattern, and couldn't pass up the opportunity to get these - beautiful wedgie goodness! Similar to Mueller pro pattern. 80 flex / SE16 (painted as S19) / ZTac blade
  22. Isn't that truth. I can make digi palms last multiple seasons because I take tremendous care of my gloves. My 2 favorite palms in the world are 1.) Digi and 2.) Mustang. I will use nothing else. I've even sent brand spanking new mitts to Peaches to replace the palms with digi before even putting them to use in a game. I might be in the very small minority of people that simply cannot use MSH2 palms. Just don't like it one bit.
  23. Love the green gloves. Minny Wild and Salavat Yulaev UFA!
  24. Been listening to a ton of Beirut. This crazy musical collective that combine many styles and topped off with a haunting, eastern European folk overtone. Incredibly original.
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