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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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Everything posted by qmechanic

  1. Thanks for pointing that out. This particular Warrior shaft was listed as a standard shaft. It does seem slightly smaller on one end. I was trying to put it in the smaller end. The shaft doesn't really have any markings to show which end I should put the blade in.
  2. I was heating up both the shaft and the blade. Maybe I'll try heating wood hosel less as suggested.
  3. Since all the ice rinks are closed, I wanted to setup a stick with an ABS blade for roller hockey. I have this standard blade Bauer i300 ABS senior blade And this standard intermediate shaft Warrior AK27 intermediate shaft It seems like they should fit together fine, but the wood part of the blade that goes into the shaft is too big. Am I imagining this or is there some trick? See photos on Imgur
  4. I don't think it's the Benn Pro Curve because Bauer lists that as a lie 6 and the description says the P90TM is going to have a lower lie.
  5. The reason I have stayed away from True is because I heard it's way stiffer than the Easton Mako skates. I really like my skates to be less stiff.
  6. I was just at No-Icing Sports last week and got a pair of Mako M8 skates baked. I sat in the CCM FIT machine for 15 minutes. If you really want to use that machine, you can go to No-Icing in New Hampshire.
  7. Thanks for the quick review. Does anyone know when the Flylite stick will be released?
  8. Thanks for letting us know, I used to wear Tacklas and loved them!
  9. There's women's pro stock pants from the University of Minnesota team on Sidelineswap. I used to wear Tackla Air 9000 pants and they were super protective. Unfortunately, you can't seem to get them in the USA anymore.
  10. I flip between P28 and P92 type curves. So the Benn and Barkov sound interesting. I do like a lie of at least 5.5 on the heel. Not sure if Benn / Barkov qualify. I like taking backhands, so the BC14 curve looked interesting, but I wish it had more of a rounded toe, more rocker, and was a bit more open. I don't know if there's a curve like that.
  11. I have really small skates, size 2.5. Is it possible to do a Prosharp profile on these?
  12. @STXHockey I'm also interested in knowing this. How are the junior blades different than the senior blades? Are they the same lie as the senior blades, are they shorter in length than the senior blades?
  13. As I mentioned before, I talk to a lot of women who are 5'5" and shorter, and need a junior flex, but want a senior sized blade. They are adults, they can't "grow" into an intermediate size. If it were possible to get senior blades on the junior pro height stick, that would be awesome. It doesn't need to be all the senior blades, just the most popular ones (Bauer P92, P88, P28, PM9, etc) I have a Base junior pro stick and it's almost as thick as my intermediate stick. So I feel like it should be possible to do what I proposed, though I don't know how much it would cost for the manufacturing process.
  14. It seems that Bauer is no longer making the Bauer HDO Deluxe (DX2) visor which fits as a lens into my Itech FX-50 combo cage.
  15. Wow, that's weird. So apparently, the steel is negative pitch and the holder is positive pitch -- And they cancel each other out? Is it confusing for a pro shop to sharpen negatively pitched steel? I was interested in getting the True holder to replace my LS2 holder, but now I'm not so sure.
  16. Yes, I have a Base Junior Pro stick. The Junior Pro sticks come with junior sized blades only.
  17. If Base comes up with a solution that works for me, I'm happy to advertise it to my friends. ;-)
  18. Unfortunately, I (and other short people) would have to cut ~ 5-6 inches off an intermediate shaft. Cutting off that much messes up the flex point. Sticks have engineered flex points and are not designed to have such a drastic reduction in length. Other people in this forum have posted about trying a 45 flex intermediate Base stick and said they didn't like it.
  19. It would be great if Base would offer either junior blades that are longer in length or design the junior pro shaft to accept senior sized blades. I talk to a lot of women of short stature, and they like the length and flex of junior sticks but feel that the blades are too short. They would prefer a more "senior-sized" blade. There are few options for people stuck in the no-person's land between intermediate and junior sticks.
  20. I love my Mako II skates, but if I do any kind of intense skating practice (as opposed to a game where I glide around a lot), my left foot starts killing me. There's a bone on the inside of my left foot that rubs against the skate (accessory navicular?) Any suggestions on how to fix this? When I originally had the Makos baked, the pro shop guy put my feet & skates inside this CCM machine that squeezed them. Should I rebake the left skate? Or just heat the affected area with a heat gun? I previously wore Bauer Supreme 3000, Grafs, Bauer Vapor XXV, Bauer Supreme One70 skates and never had a problem with my inside foot before. I'd appreciate any tips you have, thanks.
  21. I switched to the CCM P29 curve coming from a Warrior W88 curve (clone of Bauer P88). I'm finding it a bit tough to adjust to stickhandling with this new curve (shooting is fantastic though). Does anyone have tips? I feel like the P29 has a huge rocker compared to the W88/P88. I end up trying to stickhandle on the heel of the curve. Is that what I'm supposed to be doing? Should I cut my stick the same length as I did with the W88/P88? Thanks for your help.
  22. I did it and IMHO, it's well worth it. But I never tried the Easton steel. I switched to Lightspeed 2 holders immediately, because I wanted a neutral pitch and that's what I'm used to. My Step Steel is Lightspeed 2 type. Step steel is so much better than stock Lightspeed 2 steel.
  23. I had the same problem with the Bauer 7500 helmet. The IMS 11.0 fit better for me, if you want to stick with Bauer.
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