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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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english15x last won the day on May 26 2013

english15x had the most liked content!

Community Reputation

3 Neutral

About english15x

  • Birthday 05/10/1988


  • Skates
    Bauer One 95s
  • Hockey Bag
  • Shin Pads
    Bauer Vapor X40
  • Elbow Pads
    Bauer Nexus
  • Shoulder Pads
    bauer classic's
  • Pants
    Reebok pro stock girdle
  • Helmet
    bauer 5000
  • Gloves
    Warrior franchise
  • Stick
    P91A and clones, 77 flex.

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  • Location
    Pittsburgh PA - USA
  • Gender

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  1. Just did these this past weekend. Big thanks for fatwabbit for responding to my PM and directing me to some threads. Bauer one95 Mission Vanguard Labeda gripper millennium wheels Bones swiss bearings
  2. Can't wait to see ABR and their new cd! DRUGS kinda isn't that good sadly. I'm not impressed. I was never a huge chiodos fan though. I did like the Isles & Glaciers project he did though. Woe Is Me is someone you should check out.
  3. Agreed, I just spent the past weekend listening to the new CD. Has hints of "Casually Dressed & In Deep Conversation" and "Seven Ways to Scream Your Name" No where near the same, but it's probably the closest they will come to that old sound, seeing as they don't have the same guitar player and the lineup has changed a bit.
  4. Four Year Strong is meh. I have a lot of friends who really enjoy them. They have some great songs though. Funeral for a friend hasn't had a good cd since "hours" in 2005. I haven't listend to this new cd they put out in 2011 but I hope its better than there last couple attempts.
  5. Is it just me or are you speaking of opposites? I find roller boots to be less structurally sound than ice boots.
  6. my buddy does that all the time. i don't know how to goes like 22 - 4 in a game by running around with an intervention and just quick scoping people. he plays wayyyyy too much haha.
  7. probably underpass... if that's what its called. the one with lots of vegetation and the canal running through the one side of the map.
  8. yep yep! bc3 got cancelled as well... which is where our "pond" aka retaining water hole is. ya we will have to get you back into the swing of things. I have a team put in at ICOP for march, then i'm sure it starts up again june/july. You'll have to let me know for sure, and I can throw you on the roster. I don't think i've played with you since ... maybe roller? in high school
  9. universities and schools were closed almost all week. I think they'll have school tomorrow though. Lots of businesses and restaurants were closed. Thank heavens that I still had to work all week Dirk, you don't wanna be up here. it blows. stay warm. Although you better move home quick to play some puck this summer.
  10. $8.00 FBV $6.00 Traditional Hours: Wed, Thr, Fri 12 - 6 Sat, Sun 12-3 He is there a lot there though. Just call ahead.
  11. Place in pittsburgh that offers FBV. Real nice guy too. Hockey N'at 102 Lexington Ave Aspinwall, PA 15215 (412) PUCK-GUY
  12. I just got step steel to replace my cobra steel. Is the cobra steel profiled different out of the box? If i am using that term correctly. I feel like my step steel does not have any rocker to them. step steel - feels great, but I feel like my steel feels longer than my graf steel and no I have the right size steel in my skate. I feel like my turning isnt as sharp.
  13. hahaha. girl talk is amazing!!. The guy that does it is from around my area (pittsburgh)
  14. hahah. where's nhls glitch goals for a cover title
  15. you also get a new custom class slot, so now you will have 6 opposed to 5
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