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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble

JR Boucicaut

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Everything posted by JR Boucicaut

  1. Yep. I made it. Yeah, I would imagine they would change it all now that George died.
  2. Actually, he was on ESPN today. He actually had nice things to say about him. In his HOF Induction speech Winfield said he and George patched things up.
  3. You failed the answer the question. While it may be a flawed system, any owner can whatever they want with their franchise. Must I bring up Carl Pohlad? Bigger net worth at his death than Steinbrenner's at his death (3.6B to 1.1B according to Forbes) yet when MLB brings up contraction, is first to raise his hand and willing to kill off the Twins for $150M because "we're a small market team." Doesn't the "Gotta spend money to make money" adage not apply? There are tons more owners in MLB who do the exact same, yet have no qualms about receiving a handout from MLB luxury tax. The fact is this - Steinbrenner made it a business. And every move he made, even in the painful 80s for a kid like me, in his mind, thought was going to give him a championship. As a fan of a team, you really couldn't ask for anything more.
  4. The Yankees operated well into the black before YES came around. YES was a by-product of the team's success - why criticize him for having the foresight? He wanted to win, and he spared no expense in trying to achieve that goal. And he didn't go broke doing it.
  5. Received some ruby wheels for my X02 = LOVE. Sharpened with it last night and dressed great, healthy sparks and everything.
  6. Version 2.0


    2005 Salming Catalogue
  7. Version 2.0


    2005 Mission Catalogue
  8. Version 2.0


    2005 Bauer Catalogue
  9. Version 2.0


    2005 RBK Catalogue
  10. Version 2.0


    2005 Itech Catalogue
  11. 125 downloads

    2007 Brian's Catalogue
  12. 216 downloads

    2007 TPS Catalogue
  13. Version 2.0


    2005 TPS Catalogue
  14. Toews is the new Draper. I like the Dolo paint job. Sorry about the size - I don't have Acrobat Pro anymore, lost it (if someone wants to be my friend they'll hook me up with a copy...;) ;) hint hint
  15. http://www.modsquadhockey.com/forums/Index.php?/files/file/86-2010-warrior-holiday-catalogue/ I hope to see this stuff by the end of the month. As like I did with Bauer, I'd like to see it before I review it.
  16. MSH is now live. Getting my life back now. Be back later.

  17. An open ticket for upgrade for 9 hrs now. Ugh.
  18. 3xxx Jofa was a tapered shin design - even up to the 90. This shinpad seems to have the 3xxx squared kneecap with xx90 shin.
  19. Seriously, I get it, but can we discuss Mike Modano in ONE THREAD? And Chippa - I agree. The writing was on the wall either way when he did the victory lap in Minnesota.
  20. Maybe it was the same skate. LOL
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