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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble

JR Boucicaut

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Everything posted by JR Boucicaut

  1. Joe lied to me! When I saw the 2010 cat I had mentioned that he had "made my year" because the 52Cal was coming in a rounded handle. He said that it was the same as last year's, which was a bit too square for me. Turns out it IS completely round. I'm in love.
  2. http://www.modsquadhockey.com/forums/index...amp;showfile=78 Will touch on this after Vegas.
  3. I think you meant Paccioretty, Perron was selected right after Max Pac wa selected by Montréal. So far, Perron >>>> Pac. DP is just in another league, MP is a career NHL 3rd liner. Good playing with ya yesterday...
  4. It isn't the end of the month. :) Factory is running with Olympic orders, we'll figure out after I get back from Vegas next week and we'll put the order in.
  5. Keep in mind, if there is something that I cannot get (out of stock) and it is on the internet, I will tell them that. Honesty is key, and I believe most customers appreciate that.
  6. I was supposed to receive a package from the same place with the same carrier and I haven't received it either. I'll check on a tracking number tomorrow. Keep in mind I don't process the orders.
  7. 49 downloads

    Sprung Frame pic 2
  8. 49 downloads

    New Sprung Frame
  9. Sorry - thought you had a machine and you were having problems. As to goal skates on that type of holder, not sure, I can find out though. I don't necessarily foresee any problems with steel exposure on CCM skates (Wex is right about the smaller skates though) but the X02 holder doesn't hold weight as well as the Tri-Lie does. I'll figure it out and get back to ya.
  10. Now, what I have done in past situations is this - Let's say you get inundated by skates from a team who is about to go on the ice. And everyone's there waiting - let's say I have 6 pair. 3 of them are 1/2", two are 5/8" and one is 3/8", but the order in which they were received were 1/2, 5/8, 3/8, 1/2, 5/8, and 1/2. I will tell the customers that doing the hollows in order rather than in order of skates dropped off will make it easier/quicker for all parties involved. I really haven't had any problems with that approach because it takes longer to set up the machine. I'd go ahead and dress both wheels beforehand at different hollows then redress one to get that last hollow. Most people will understand that you're trying to make their experience as quick as possible. As for the parent who gets pissed when you tell them that you won't bump them ahead, just say "Now, if I do that, how would you feel if you had dropped your skates off first and I bumped someone's skates ahead of you without asking you first?"
  11. No, but I can understand where you'd have a problem. Too much weight.
  12. I had a dream a couple of nights ago about which loadout I was going to use. Haha Last night was fun though, especially when I chased down jsmart's bro-in-law and not only told him before the match that I would do it, planting Semtex on his back and ran past him, getting the "Group Hug" achievement as he was next to someone. I was laughing so hard I was crying.
  13. Ha, I did this a while back but not to the level homeboy was. Damn.
  14. Update on Haiti - My cousins are trying to get into the country through the DR - they just arrived today. One of my maternal aunts found my grandaunts (paternal) and got them water and whatnot. Unfortunately, they have been held up twice and lost whatever money and valuables they had on themselves. It's getting really nasty out there as people are panicking and people are looting.
  15. Can we please chill out on the profanity?
  16. My grandaunts were found today - alive and no injuries. Thank you guys for the support.
  17. Catastrophic earthquake. Thanks for the kind words guys...
  18. Yeah, we're hoping it is just that. The situation is that in a lot of third-world countries, security is needed - I remember a couple of years back someone tried to rob/kill them and they couldn't because their bedroom door was made out of steel and padlocked from the inside (house is in an affluent part of town) so if they are trapped in there, may be difficult to get them out, and not only that, but one of them is suffering from Alzheimer's and the other one has colon cancer, and they're both in their 80s.
  19. We're family friends. His dad lives in Miami, I've met him several times.
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