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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble

JR Boucicaut

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Everything posted by JR Boucicaut

  1. LOL the most dramatic part of the movie is when Jamal gets traded. Tear-jerker!
  2. That's funny - actually OK and I have talked about DP. Hey, as long as I get a cameo role in it...this face is too pretty not to be on the silver screen.
  3. They are in the same catalogue. TPS was less pages, so past the thicker part of the binding...
  4. http://www.modsquadhockey.com/forums/index...amp;showfile=83
  5. http://www.modsquadhockey.com/forums/index...amp;showfile=80 I apologize in advance for the bad scans - the binding in the catalogue was horrible, didn't allow for flat pages.
  6. http://www.modsquadhockey.com/forums/index...amp;showfile=82 I apologize in advance for the bad scans - the binding in the catalogue was horrible, didn't allow for flat pages.
  7. All of the years living in FL and I've never seen one from the Cape. I should ask my next-door neighbor - he is on the STS team.
  8. Spark displacement is the pattern the sparks go when you make contact. You can tell a lot by it by the thickness and the strength of the sparks. Obviously if your holder is off, it will be too high or too low. And as far as a good dress is concerned, if it is a thick, long spark, it's a good dress. If it is weak and doesn't travel far, chances are you have a bad dress.
  9. How's your spark displacement? Could be that you don't have a good dress.
  10. I'd say - last Space Shuttle night launch. It's really cool and if you're staying @ Port Canaveral/Cocoa Beach you'll have a great vantage point.
  11. EBondo - worked out perfectly for you - STS-130 was scrubbed this morning, set for go at 4am tomorrow. I'm debating on going.
  12. It's a nice little surprise from them in that aspect, that they considered us a viable media outlet. Not to mention some good fortune from the personal disappointment in Vegas for me. We're also going to get some love from Reebok in the upcoming days.
  13. (Cont. from Venting Spot) ...but I will be getting the swag from said junket sent to me. :)
  14. Got an offer to attend Easton's S19 helmet press junket in Vancouver but I can't go... (cont. in Sweet Spot)
  15. Haha you ain't seen I'm Gonna Git You Sucka? For shame.
  16. Sent him this earlier - http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=xQZrC3ljtuM
  17. Drop that thing once and you're done. That being said, how good of a job does it registering FBV?
  18. 1 ) doesn't matter - as long as secure. Depending on how much steel is left, I may bring it up to see between lines 2) Just put a strip of tape on the thing, right on the area where the blade will touch the magnetic angle. Sometimes what I do is just put a longer piece, and just pull off and slide for a fresh area of tape.
  19. It is an overseas-made version of the X95. Look at the index finger and split last backroll, as well as cuff. The PPX is what you are looking for as a comparison to PPF.
  20. Let me knock out the remaining player ones first.
  21. Yep, it is what they used to make that was labeled Tackla. :)
  22. http://www.modsquadhockey.com/forums/index...amp;showfile=79
  23. Wex - the QuickSquare and BR100 are the exact same. It was a Maximum Edge product and now distributed by Blademaster. As for replacing magnetic angles, I've used my original one, for 7 years. All I have done is put a strip of electrical tape on it, replace every week, no scoring on the metal at all.
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