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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble

JR Boucicaut

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Everything posted by JR Boucicaut

  1. Sad part is that both cases were with adults.
  2. Sorry, I don't give out that info anymore. The "stock custom" options that I have offered people have been touched on. Everything else goes on a case-by-case basis.
  3. if the store handles pro team orders, then they can. US Retail orders can't order that skate. Rubo - I've never seen a custom TO with Alive innersoles.
  4. Dealing with dumbass MSH members on FUCKING CHRISTMAS.
  5. 3599 downloads

    2011 Reebok Catalogue
  6. On to Vegas. POTY awards are being worked on. I swear, I never stop.

  7. 2814 downloads

    2011 CCM Catalogue
  8. http://www.modsquadhockey.com/forums/Index.php?/topic/55225-msh-will-be-down-tomorrow-12-december/page__pid__836586#entry836586
  9. Sinus infection and bronchitis 6 days before WF.
  10. That is understandable; they didn't have what you wanted. It's not the same argument.
  11. And this has to be one of the dumbest. I'll take a piece of paper, write down all the stuff I told you when you walked in my store, and write "This helped IPv6Freely make his online transaction a successful one" and take it to the bank. I'll see if they'll cash that for me. Being on commission has ABSOLUTELY nothing to do with it. You used someone's knowledge and you didn't pay them for it. Unfortunately, a shop employee HAS to think that the person is ready to buy.
  12. Sorry, forgot sales tax, so take out $35-40 - so factor $35
  13. Well, considering that pretty much every manufacturer sets the price for skates at this point, any current year model skate should be the same price in store as well as online. I went to a store in Southern California earlier this month and their top-end skates were $20 more than minimum advertised price. That's still fine, IMO - once you factor in the fact that you get them immediately (try doing that online), you get them sharpened in front of you (you either don't get them sharpened online due to return, or if you do, you'd regret it), and you'll also get them baked. NOT TO MENTION...if you blow a rivet or an eyelet...you just might get that thrown in down the road, and we'll be more apt to process your return to manufacturer if there is something wrong with the skate if you bought with us. So, anyway, yeah, unless you're going to a store that is charging $75 more than online (factor in $50 overnight shipping, $5 sharpening, $20 bake), it isn't worth it to buy current-year product online anymore. See how silly it looks now?
  14. It gets to a point where you need to walk away from the wheel. It will require more dresses so you'll be burning through more spinners...
  15. LE, Kane and Malkin Winter Classics aren't options for a retail custom skate.
  16. Is that this year's? I really like the one from last year.
  17. 5020 downloads

    2011 Bauer Catalogue
  18. It will be tighter. Easier to open up a heel than to close a wide one.
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