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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble

JR Boucicaut

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Everything posted by JR Boucicaut

  1. They're not readily available yet. Yeah - we definitely need to get another hat order going. We'll hook ya up.
  2. Ok - let me know and I can get your spot filled. Seriously man, I don't want you to get hurt. Obviously drinking will HELP.
  3. Damn dude. I'm serious man, MSHV isn't worth it.
  4. I think the difference is that NO WAY McCarty could do that again if he tried. :)
  5. Haha he just made Streit his bitch. http://blues.nhl.tv/team/console.jsp?hlg=2...23&fr=false
  6. I work for an airline. I'll be on more airplanes this week than most people here will be on in a year. I think the only guy on MSH who can rival your flight time is Perron. Then again, there are some salesmen here who probably log 'athlete like' freq. flyer miles. MLSman logged I think 200,000 mi last year.
  7. Just spoke to him - he says thanks and that your guys' posts keep him going.
  8. It was weird, I had just eaten and all. Only other game that got me like that was Halo3 - only one level, and I was not able to finish the campaign because of that.
  9. Found the game was sick, literally. Made me nauseous. Had to stop playing. Could have been his TV (62" DLP)
  10. My boy picked it up - I'll be playin around 530 @ his house. XBLGT: They Honey Too
  11. I got $75 burning in my pocket but I think I'm going to put that towards the MSHV Alcohol Slush Fund.
  12. I was at the rink tonight and they had NHL Network on and I saw him on the post-game interview.
  13. Pro model has regular cuff and full digital palm.
  14. And I promise that I am not picking on Ahriman, as this is strictly based on location, but yeah, you take a guy like Carl Pohlad who was a billionaire yet had a "small-market" team and had no qualms about contracting the Twins for $150M, as opposed to Steinbrenner, while his family had money, made his money by building a brand.
  15. I was born on August 10, 1977 at St. Luke's Hospital in New York, NY. I have been told that when I was 2, my grandfather tried to get me to eat oatmeal on his lap while watching the Mets game on TV. Apparently I threw a tantrum. I attended my first Yankees game in 1982. In first grade, I brought a copy of Yankees Magazine with John "The Count" Montefusco on the cover for show-and-tell. Ms. O'Shea was my teacher. She was awesome, because she was a Yankees fan as well. That same year, I traded a 1978 Reggie Jackson card for a rabbit. I'm still kicking myself over that one. Especially after our dog grabbed the rabbit and killed it a month later. My uncle went to Shea Stadium and brought me back a Mets batting helmet. The next week I passed it on to my godmother's son, which he accepted. Three months later, their house caught fire. Coincidence? Good enough for ya?
  16. I'm not doubting that the lateral slip is there, we've all experienced it on FBV when the hollow isn't dialed in. But the only reason why I am commenting is because you are saying it is on one skate. Of course, with harder ice, you are going to have to adjust accordingly.
  17. But why would it get worse from a fresh sharpening? It shouldn't. I hear ya on the rest.
  18. David's doing a Q&A on Twitter at 7pm CST.
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