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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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  • Skates
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    Bauer small car hockey bag
  • Shin Pads
    Bauer Something
  • Elbow Pads
    NBH One70
  • Shoulder Pads
    Sherwood 5030
  • Pants
    Tackla 9000
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  1. My quick review, is there much of a difference on glide and turn, maybe, but nothing huge, most likely in the mind, however, 2 things it does, which I love, 1. I have almost no buildup of snow on the blade after a shift, in the past I would have to wipe off everytime. 2. My sharpen seems to last longer, usually notice I need a sharpen after 3 icetimes, I'm at 5 skates and I still feel like I could go another one without a sharpen. Worth $25, you use very little, so it should last, with me and the little guy getting more skates out of the sharpen, it should be worth it from that standpoint.
  2. Nothing you haven't seen, picked up the LE 2nd hand, threw on some whites and boom goes the dynamite. Love that kids grow out of skates so quickly and their dads are willing to sell at such a low $!
  3. Now cops are saying Dunn was traveling between 132 and 140 MPH at the time of his crash + .19 Dude murdered his friend, lucky he didn't kill anymore people.
  4. Calgary Flames Annual Equipment Sale will be held on June 11th from 8:00 a.m. to 1:00
  5. I took him out with his sticks from previous years and his shot/stickhandling were all better with the longer stick, for whatever reason, so that's what we stuck with, plus he's short so the extra length has helped get some passes/shots off and stick check some taller kids. Another parent was just saying your kid has big leg muscles, yeah their huge Bauer implants.
  6. The Canada Eagles are so nice, slick.
  7. Someone needs to start looking up.
  8. Former Calgary Flames Equip Mgr set up a shop 3 min away from home with the Flatbottom V! It was a 20 minute drive to hit and miss hockey expert sharpeners, so pumped, ah the stuff that gets me excited.
  9. F*cking concussion. Everytime you think your back to normal and ready to go, a symptom pops up from almost nothing. Thought I was good Sat, ran up the stairs, felt off. Other Vent - People dont understand unless they have had one. So if you haven't, shut up.
  10. Sweet- Bauer approved my replacement for TO Shaft and Blade breaks! Vent- No Shafts until March Sweet- Offered OPS TO, big up to Bauer for the offer! Also let me go from Int to SR, quality service. Vent- bought the 2-piece because that's what I wanted. Sweet- At least I am getting a stick right away, and an OPS at the 2 piece price. (Anyone know what approx delivery time Bauer ships at, 2-3 days or 6-10, thanks)
  11. Jim Kelley, a longtime sports writer and member of the Hockey Hall of Fame, has died after a long battle with cancer. He was 61. Most recently, he was writing columns for Sports Illustrated.
  12. I remember being at resturant and a kid wouldn't leave his dad alone with the what, why, when, how? the dad finally snapped, "Just shut it for a minute", I sat there thinking what a terrible dad. Now with two kids, one who doesn't stop asking questions all day long, some days I could just snap "Shut Up, I don't know", I don't, but if your a parent you understand.
  13. I hear that and I'm just turning 30. I can't believe the difference I feel compared to 25. Injuries stay longer, conditioning becomes harder. At 25 I could play at a high level with no off ice activity, 5 yrs later, if I don't start doing some conditioning, my game is really going to start falling off. I sound like a little b*tch, I can't imagine 35, 40 and 45. This year has been a real wake-up call to get my diet and exercise right.
  14. Nice V08's, very nice!
  15. If you watch Fox News, they almost expect Obama to pull on some scuba gear, dive down and fix the hole himself. But since he can't, he isn't a good President. I agree, Dems and Enviromentalist would go nuts if it was on Bush's watch. (don't try to envolve myself in US politics, Fox News is just of the wall)
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