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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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  • Skates
    Bauer Supreme Totalone NXG
  • Hockey Bag
    old school laurin int'l
  • Shin Pads
    VIC SG105 Classics
  • Elbow Pads
    TPS Classics
  • Shoulder Pads
    907hockey Performance Loose shirt
  • Pants
    easton synergy girdle/Bauer Supreme Shell
  • Helmet
    Nike bauer hh4500/Jofa Cage
  • Gloves
    Warrior Bonifide X SE's /Bauer X:60 Pro's
  • Stick
    Pro stock Reebok 11k shafts, tapered blades

Profile Information

  • Interests
    Hockey, Music, Law, Movies and Food
  • Location
    Anchorage, AK
  • Gender

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  1. Krev's on point, as I said, I do have two pair. These are my Black History month editions lol
  2. Just got these all finished up (my second pair):
  3. I play on two teams, one coed, one mens A. My mens team is a whaler-themed team and my coed team is primarily black. I also coach. Gear in use: Helmets- Bauer 4500, white/ Nike Bauer 3500 Black / Pro Stock CCM HT2, White Visor- HejdukSport MHX 990/ Oakley Pro Small Straight Cut Gloves- Bauer X:60 Pro, TSR The Whale/ Nike Bauer Vapor XXXX Pro/ Early Pro Stock CCM Knit 4 rolls, navy Elbows- Louisville TPX/ Louisville TPX Pants/Shell- Easton Synergy Girdle, Nike Bauer Supreme 6000 Shell (Navy) / Easton Synergy Girdle, Nike Bauer Supreme 6000 Shell (Black) Shins- Vic Old schools x 2 pair ( you know the ones. everyone who every played hockey had at least one pair. they are so old and so sick lol ) Skates- Bauer Vapor 10 Customs/ Bauer X:60 Customs/ MLX w/ ls2 holders Sticks- Mission Hex Prostock tapered shafts w/TPS R10 blades/ Nike Trigger Grip Shaft w/ Warrior AK27 Blade Gear not in use: Too much lol
  4. Those are sick man. I really like those. I may get some lol
  5. Of course I got Nate, he's the "ak buddy" :)
  6. No new gear just yet, waiting for my MLX'S and some other stuff, but I caught my first live NHL game last friday, and my AK connection got me through to get Stamkos to ink this jersey. Then I had my buddy ink it to add to the AK pro hockey collection for my sons room (had Dubi and Gomez already):
  7. Yep. Projekts. Im not really too sure what the difference is between these and eraser pros, but they do feel more comfortable than last years 14" erasers. They are light, and the color scheme isnt too bad unlike last years model. Im more of a four roll guy, but like I said, Mansko's are probly next haha
  8. Just scooped these up today. I just turned thirty, and Im a dad, and its like my desire for looks over comfort have begun to fade lol Next thing I know Ill be sporting a pair of Manskos haha
  9. These are the ones I wish were mine, but they were given to a buddy of his for display purposes. Very comfy:
  10. Yeah, I had a pair of his from the brief Mission run, and that cuff was brutal so I gassed them. But since he has small hands like I do, the glove fits well. On these, while the cuff is short, the extra backroll nullifies this, but they are surprisingly comfy. You are right, the one-piece fingers are annoying, but its all good, beggars cant be choosers lol. A friend of mine is roomates with a good buddy of SG and he gave him a pair of these warriors that he would have used if he had been selected for the Olympics. They are sick. They fit my hand perfect, and SG's buddy has man-slap hands so he will never wear them. I told him he should pass them to me lol
  11. Ive had the lid for a while, but just got the CCM (Eagle) mitts:
  12. Yeah they are a different fit. I wear an 8 in most easton skates ( 7.25 in bauer, 7.5 in graf, 7 in ccm ) and in the eq5 im a 7.5. As far as custom goes, as long as I go get my ls2's bolted up to them, i can complain too much, although I am a white-felt tongue proponent:)
  13. I think Im going to try out the Eq5's. I threw a pair on and they felt good. I just want to know how durable they will be. Also if possible I would like to get them custom for my hot-dog narrow feet. We will see.
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