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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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Everything posted by Cove

  1. I could be speaking out of my ass here, but I'm sure I've heard 6 or so
  2. tighter than the one90s?
  3. Gotta wonder about the man hours to put those together
  4. is the green grip?
  5. Hopefully purchasing a 95-98 Ford Ranger for working purposes this week.
  6. I agree: Which fabric under the customizer are these?
  7. Had a similar pair of cooper elbows when I first started playing hockey
  8. Are those from the all star game? I remember a LHS around me had them.
  9. Don't know I was upnorth of xmas, Don't need anything hockey wise right now. Bought some used tacks a few weeks ago last I was in there. Great Guys. Joel is always amazing too deal with.
  10. Ya. Gimmix I'm down the road from Majer hockey at Dufferin steeles.
  11. his curves don't even look consistent
  12. messaged you already but 11, and a freshman so I'm not out there much -Quotes Bauer- Earn your ice time. :)
  13. The Easton buckets is starting to really appeal to me.
  14. You must be one poor poor fellow
  15. Will the Supreme line carry over when everything goes back to being branded as BAUeR?
  16. they make me wana drop the $860 CDN that they would cost me
  17. the 9500's in the show seem to have HUGE ear holes, may seem that way because of no plastic and the way they are set to fit but holy they seem massive.
  18. wow finally pinned
  19. Those from Cyclone Taylor? I'm thinking of grabbing a pair
  20. Maybe these are the ones you saw: My bd
  21. Sharpied? I saw those gloves on ebay. Unless those are navy instead of bkac.
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