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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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Everything posted by Cove

  1. me and my dad both had those when we were younger
  2. no doubt about it.
  3. u have 3 pairs of vapor XXXX's?
  4. You dye those holders and get white or black laces and you have orgasms on your feet.
  5. It was a one day sale only. They do it once a year, normally it's only a couple of weeks after the season ends, but this year they ran it with the development camp. So, until next year, you are SOL I know :( Gotta wait until next year. Didnt really overly follow the pro sales when the thread was up. Oh well :(
  6. Beaut Caps generally have good prices at their equipment sale. If I recall correctly Game used stick (any stick, stealth, one90, vector, warrior) - $25 New stick (again, any stick, goalie included) - $50 Used gloves - $25 New RBK logo/mia gloves (no caps logo, no names) - $45 New gloves (branded w/ caps logo) - $60 Skates - Used (all makes models) - $65 Skates - new (xxxx, S15, one90/95) - $300 Pants - new - $35 Not sure on the shins/elbows/shoulders. Also, one thing I was ticked about, no tape this year. Last year they had hundreds of rolls of tape for $1 each. Great deal, but nada this year wow, those prices are amazing! Might make a trip down on the greyhound to grab equipment for that cheap
  7. its a tps response shaft... i was playing on a team and everyone on the team used rbk sticks so instead of buying one i painted the response black and put rbk stickers on it To conform, or due to a sponsorship issue? the athletic director from my high school wanted all of the guys on the hockey team to use rbk sticks cuz the basketball team had a sponsorship from them but they didnt want to supply us with any of the sticks, we had to buy them ourselves... i painted my tps sticks instead of buying rbk sticks That makes no sense. If you were getting nothing from them why would you advertise like that?
  8. u dont often see the 8k around
  9. This could be jsut me. But When the rubber response came out years ago I fel in love with that stick the second I touched it. FELT AMAZING! If I was big enough, and strong enough to break my synergy at the time I would have begged my dad to grab me that.
  10. NBH 5500 Hows the fit? I have a 5000 and im thinking about buying a 9500 but havnt had a chance to find'm in store yet.
  11. nice bucket, what helmet you coming from?
  12. Early as in before it comes out.
  13. Like him, I'm a fan of that Darth Vader look :)
  14. you lucky lucky shrew
  15. nice purple :) Are they leather? Or just the way the picture looks?
  16. Pure hockey. THey got a couple stores around the states.
  17. oh man that pic of the Bauer 4000's turned me on a little. I had those skates like 8-9 years ago and absolutly loved them. Which fit was the most like the 4000's the one95's or Vapor XXXX's?
  18. Someone has a crush on RBK/CCM eh :P
  19. That the 9500 helmet? Or Am I wrong and its the 8500? Absolutly orgasmic, These are what dreams are made of.
  20. should I expect this month, April, May?
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