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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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Everything posted by Cove

  1. Pretty sure its working now.
  2. no? I see it when I log out of my modsquad account
  3. A nexus christmas to me to match the new unis. Sticks / pants are team Nexus I havent had a chance to use yet
  4. MY GUESS There high end sticks with a stronger and therefore slightly heavier then high end retail sticks but play like high end retail sticks. Usually made for NCAA, CHL, AHL maybe even teams. I could be wrong but thats how my Bauer Nexus team stick was explained to me.
  5. Just came across the supersonic on phew fb, man that’s a tough battle for ugliest skate.
  6. Havent seen what the retail supremes look like, but the CCMs win with that giant yellow CCM
  7. Is there a new supreme skate coming out this spring? Or is that next year? A new tack comes out this spring right?
  8. s839 1 5852 2 6520 1 are the three dif codes I saw. One is a XC9 the other 2 6.0s
  9. Im looking to get some True Pro stocks at my LHS, and they all have different codes. Anyone able to tell me what they mean? All sticks are Marners and between 70 and 85 flex. https://photos.google.com/photo/AF1QipPO4-MESd5UT4OeeKV7duHOUGpdtX7iHlaSVTAK https://photos.google.com/photo/AF1QipOmhqROSPbHqNBXKV-tagyr-YetV5GAiP1zZBtR
  10. Ive worn them in basketball and found it never to help. My knee always feels awful while walking but never on the ice which is weird.
  11. Its the best idea. Your feet have potentially changed a bit, and a boot like that can handle a few bakes.
  12. Pro stock gloves with the extra protection on the back of the hand, is that easily removed? I want a black pair of True 4 rolls but can only find them with that ugly ass extra protection.
  13. I started a new job last week, on my first day in the office i was side by side with my boss who was sick.. im now home sick. I hate people who dont stay home when theyre sick.
  14. Ive never been like this. I dont really find most things fun unless im winning. I dont lose my shit if I lose, but I absolutely hate losing. More then anything.
  15. One of my team uses the same unis so Im tracking down the pro-stock gear. We're the Icemen tho lol. Is the Helmet jus the regular 4500 royal or a pro stock too?
  16. I always wish Id bought the OVI branded protective gear back in the day, stuff was great.
  17. At 30 years old I finally get to besmirch the number of the greatest player of all time 66 by wearing it on both my mens league teams
  18. I'm like 70% moving to Vancouver in the fall and wondering how the adult hockey scene is? In Toronto I'm super fortunate to have a website dedicated to nightly organized pick up games, will I be so lucky on the west coast? How are the leagues and will anyone need a winger who jokes to much and sometimes hits the net? Looking for people to play hockey with as I know probably 4 people in the whole city
  19. I won’t say which shop but yes.
  20. I spoke with a skate tech from a shop I used to work at and he claimed the Trues broke down quickest. Also, if I’m going custom they’re all going to fit the same as they’ll be catered to my foot. I loved how I skated on my old total one MX3s but they weren’t quite deep enough. I don’t remember much about when I had my custom x60s but I remember thinking they were a hair stiff but I didn’t keep them long as I had to sell them for reasons. As a shop owner if I’m willing to pay for any of them as a custom would you suggest any of the custom options Over any other?
  21. The only time I’ve truly enjoyed skates as an adult were customs. I can tie them on nice and tight and skate longer without my feet being in pain after. Also, would a custom TotalOne be any stiffer then a retail TotalOne? You’re changing shape and liners maybe your name. I don’t think your point of people needing skates like that holds.
  22. I dont want to be hijacking, but performance between True, Bauer, and CCM... negligible?
  23. Im considering custom skates towards the end of summer (perhaps July to avoid a rush of orders), because Im never quite without pain or movement. The Supreme fit was the closest but it wasnt deep enough, and my current tacks arent quite wide enough and some other weird points in them. Has anyone had any premature wear issued with their Trues? I remember the CCM RBZ skates were horrible for falling apart and not sure if thats true of CCM now or True. Im not sold on anything yet and sitll considering between the Bauers, CCMs, and or Trues with no real idea which way to go.
  24. Which of the CCM pants is closest in fit to the Nexus pants? How do the True / Warriors fit compared to the Nexus line? I have 800s I love but also want to try something new
  25. Which of the warrior sticks has a 'stiff' blade? Ive heard the True blades have that splitting issue that Eastons had, is that true?
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