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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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Everything posted by Cove

  1. when does the Warrior gear hit retail? Havent seen much yet.
  2. are there retailers with Alkali gear in Ontario?
  3. Never been a fan of CCM products but these RBK skates are REALLY appealing to me.
  4. kinda like ottawas pants?
  5. I just had an orgasm. The pants.. where from? And are there more?
  6. Which vapour would it be...?
  7. Its clear as day. You two were talking about Chicago.. wasn't born here (chicago) but was raised there (chicago)..
  8. Get ahold of bauer theyll have your order on file.
  9. 7500 w/ 480 chrome Easton e-pro chicago Tackla 951 pants BAuer 4000 shouldies/elbows S7 shins custom x60s Synergy elite im getting rid of ASAP for a T1
  10. Im literally helping nothing with this comment but by summer my custom X60s will be converted to Inline. Thought it'd be a cute comment because of the custom/ice to inline title.
  11. I doubt theyll let non-pros do that
  12. My advice right now is if you want customs from Bauer do them NOW! Don't wait much longer because when they NHL orders, the AHL, CHL, NCAA orders come in you aren't going to be getting any sort of favor. I did my skates in the low point of the season and from fit - arrival was 15 days. 8 days from payment to arrival. (including weekends)
  13. whoa.. Blue holders? How?
  14. Not really. It would cost more than what the boot cost you
  15. I've been wanting a pair of those gloves for ages :(
  16. lol working in a hockey store has its advantages.
  17. Ive been a member here for about 4 years. Almost two weeks ago I finally pulled the trigger on a real skate purchase. These are my FIRST top end skate buy ever, and I can't to get out of class today and try these babies out. Size 8.5 EE ONE100s
  18. I remember once upon a time when this thread hit the 500 page mark, we are now 9 pages from 1,000 DAMN!
  19. Did you get those blue/greens from? I can't remember the site of the top of my head, but I swear they weren't shipping to Canada.
  21. I saw that blue tag from across the store lol, complimented him on having some dope skates after I inspected them a bit lol.
  22. Being that MSH has turned me into a complete gear geek, when someone brought S9's into my work I was super stoked and nobody else joined in my excitment :(
  23. Which Jofas and in what sizes?
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