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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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Everything posted by Cove

  1. What are the benefits of composite end plugs?
  2. Bauer ditched Malkin. So is the totalone stick supposed to be similar with the flex zones to the X:60?
  3. To be honest.. I think I just came a little... Was thinking of scooping up TotalONEs but those are DOOPE.
  4. Daughty in a quick look at either the Kings, or Team Canada dressing room (I'm leaning towards Team Canada) had his stall shown and he wears those football-esque shoulder pads.
  5. Bauer 4000's when I was like 8 where my favorite skates ever, and I still hold true to that at 21.
  6. I'm not a goalie but I want a set of those homer pads, or those batman pads.
  7. Warriors glove customizer has a 'brass' color that looks VERY much like the vintage gloves worn by the Canadiens
  8. Next game will be in Toronto, over the summer. Vancouver is a possibility somewhere down the road. I knw ts super early but, when SHOULD information about a skate become available?
  9. Did you not just sell a pair of red wings pants? Did you grab 2 pairs, or?
  10. well, to be honest I would commend him for being able to find something about their play that can be complimented other than fighting. I know it's an impossible argument to win, but i really do think the leafs will be fine. We seem to go through a slump every year in January.. I would much rather get it over with now. Every team was bad weeks/months, and I just love how quick people are to start saying things as extreme as what I've read on this page... NO talent left, Worst coach in history. Teams can win under shit management/coaching and they can lose with future hall of famers in the press box. I'm not saying they're playoff bound this year, but i still think it's far too early to say the leafs are done. Are you new too the city? Be aware if you flip someon off in traffic they may follow you for a bit.
  11. That stealth collection is retarded, and I don't mean that in any sort of good slang way.
  12. Later always seems to be better
  13. Shoulda played the better game at 10:30 with that gear :P
  14. Nice stuff................ Man you ATL cats lucky.....heard equipment sale is dirt cheap RBK Socks were $2/pair, then they GAVE them away for free at the end of the night b/c they had agigantic bag full of leftovers. ANY used stick was $10 and $25 for a non-used one. Warmup/Practice RBK jerseys $25 Pants were $20 at the beginning of the night, then $3 at the end. Gloves $25 I think I'm going to fly to the ATL for those prices.
  15. Life is good again.
  16. Where did you snag the gloves?
  17. mind sharing the name of said pro shop?
  18. Rangers and hawks XXX's are the nicest gloves I have ever seen, bar none.
  19. Get a couple of those over to the Leafs equipment manager, I hear they play lots of golf.
  20. Hey Dupes, would you mind checking for me when you go if they have any senoir RH's any curve. I didnt have time, I will go on sunday :) You be careful about where you are and what your doing on sunday...
  21. I had a pair of Eastons 15 years ago when I started playing and it was hell to break in gloves back than.
  22. Ebay 101... If you waited til the final minutes to place your bid you may have been able to get them for a lot less ;) I never place a bid with more than 5 minutes to go (usually try to wait til under 1 minute to be honest), especially when you think someone else is watching/bidding Unfortunately I tore my ACL a few weeks ago and am in the process of planning my next course of action, so that means no new gear for me for a while, I'm spending my money on camera gear and/or car parts for the time being (although I'm going to try to get to the Islanders sale to see what I can pick up, I'll make sure to report back if I do). If you manage to pick up a stake in the team, I'd appreciate tickets :)
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