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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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crispy92 last won the day on July 15 2022

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About crispy92

  • Birthday 11/13/1992

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    Holbrook, NY
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  1. This is what I ordered. We shall see if it works. Worse case they just get returned. There’s some conflicting info and I’m wondering if you guys are both right. I’m guessing true may have the same last but at the same time maybe they added more padding to make it seem like it fits smaller then usual plus the toe cap is a little tighter.
  2. So after buying power foot inserts and the extra red food bed for my tf9’s I ve got them to a decent place fit wise. However with the cat9’s being on sale, I’m looking to test them out. Would it be fair to say they are a slightly narrower, lower volume skate compared to the tf9. Also if I’m a size 7 tf9 should I shoot for 7.5? Can’t try them in locally. I have tried on 7.5 hzrdus’ which seemed like it could work but I remember my tf9 pre bake was almost impossible to get on and that wasn’t quite the case with hzrdus. (p.s for what it’s worth. I went down 3.5 sizes to get a tf9 that fit right and any other skate I’ve tried on never dropped below an 8 hence why idk where I land on the cat’s
  3. Actually prefer stock steel. Fwiw my pair of blade techs seem to get nicked way to easily therefore ruining the edge
  4. Can anyone advise if the pros can come in different sizes? I know they do the scan but I’m close to a half size different and was wondering if I could skip full custom for the pros?
  5. I was in this same situation. I made sure my second bake that the Saran Wrap wasn’t just around the top 3 eyelets but also down to the fore foot as much as possible. I also had to get powerfoot inserts to really take up the space in the toe cap. Also sounds like maybe your best off trying the catalyst skates. They seem to have more padding in the ankle area so it takes up more space. It sounds like the skate I’ve been looking for since the my makos crapped out.
  6. Long shot but has anyone tried the Speed plate 2.0? I’m looking to purchase but can’t figure out the size. My tf9 is a sz 7 and I’m usually closer to a 9-8.5. Im guessing I’d go for the 9 but just want to see if anyone has narrowed it down
  7. I believe this is intentional. Idk how common it is but the sweat could fall through the holes and onto the wheels and that’s never fun
  8. Reposting here in case some people still use the shift holders and can help
  9. Has anyone noticed that the steel in the shift holders sits more towards the heel or is that me. I have a set of the og steel and blade tech steel and both seem ever so slight set back from where they should be in the holder. This holder in particular actually has some front to back play if I pinch the steel and really try and work it front to back. You may be able to tell in the photos but the plastic in the heel of the holder is actually being chipped away. Also yes it’s the proper length steel and It’s properly seated in the front. https://imgur.com/a/S0T9yIR https://imgur.com/a/6lS3fAp https://imgur.com/a/08qBHdT
  10. Yup all same. I’ll try and get pics
  11. I finally replaced my old street hockey shin guards(koho 3330) that I’ve had for almost 20yrs with a set of ccm 9080’s. The kohos are essentially thick plastic with a foam and fabric liner so the shin guard would pretty much lie directly on my leg. the 9080’s on the other hand feel like they are floating over my shin if that makes sense. Now it doesn’t affect my movement and when I play it doesn’t bother me too much but it’s noticeable and my socks are pretty much stretched to the max and it looks pretty strange. Is this just how modern shins fit and I’m overthinking it or do I have Ill fitting shins. for reference I have decent sized calves but nothing extreme or out of the ordinary. edit: I did test them at the store alongside the ft4 shins and they both felt fine in store but I also didn’t know what I was really looking for in terms of fit.
  12. Well I was wrong. I tried on a pair of hg97 gloves in 13 and was way too small so I thought I’d be good. The ft1s came and they’re just slightly too long. I’ll give them a try and see how they go. Any ideas for taking up the little bit of space in the fingers
  13. 14 narrow. The trues were suggested to go down a size. I ordered the 14 anyway we’ll see how it goes
  14. My shop says they can be ordered but they go through true custom. Best bet would be try sideline swap and pray you get lucky. Contacting true directly doesn’t seem to work as I never get anyone on the phone
  15. Thank you. Would you say 14 is your “normal” glove size
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