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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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Everything posted by EBondo

  1. Ugh...jealous much? Yes... <_< How do you find the VDS blades? I need to get my hands on an Ion, they're damn sexy
  2. Nice equipment gee :o . I'm liking the 9K's and MIA's
  3. ahh wish my 10000's were still white, and didn't have scuff marks all over em.
  4. Wow. :o Easton Easton everywhere
  5. Those V-12's are pure Sex on Wheels. Also, nice selection of sticks
  6. Update, new RbK 5K Pumps, and a TPS Response XN10 Messier curve, Intermediate flex
  7. Give away Mission Fuels? Wow JR. You are VERY kind. You may not have much stuff, but it's all nice at that. Your MSH Heliums finally seeing their last days?
  8. JR stop :( Please? <_< Haha...too, much...nice...equipment!!!
  9. Are those extended cuffs on the M-1's? They looked funky?
  10. Okay, confusion all around!!!!!
  11. not using the RbK's? That was the day I got the RbK's or day after. I had gotten them molded and it hadn't been 24 hours yet. Also, it was states weekend so I didn't want to try breaking in new skates. I didn't get another Hex-1. I went with another M-1 instead. Hey Sven, you're only a few posts behind me
  12. Sick equipment SVERIGE
  13. Nice HGT's. Is that Dolomite a broken OPS or the tapered shaft? And what the heck is written on the tape of your Synthesis on the far right? Haha
  14. Woowee those LS2's look tight on those XXX's. Nice gloves too
  15. Mission Hex-1, Mission 10000 gloves, Mission S400 skates. Mission Intake helmet soon, another Hex-1 to be added to the collection. I swear by Mission sticks, and now officially their gloves :D 1400 posts
  16. Nah, Wall American Eagles. That was during the NJYHL (New Jersey Youth Hockey League) Playoffs
  17. http://myspace-580.vo.llnwd.net/00520/08/56/520126580_l.jpg http://myspace-867.vo.llnwd.net/00520/76/81/520131867_l.jpg ^After I scored^ http://myspace-493.vo.llnwd.net/00520/39/41/520141493_l.jpg http://myspace-102.vo.llnwd.net/00520/20/18/520158102_l.jpg http://myspace-126.vo.llnwd.net/00520/62/10/520170126_l.jpg http://www.carmophotography.net/Sports/051...ced/G01_105.jpg
  18. I'm not sure if it's the Pump system or not, but the 5K's are a little heavier than the 6.0's to me. But nonetheless, the 5K's win in the comfort section.
  19. I haven't yet. Tuesday will be the first. Here's some more. RbK 5K Pumps, Mission s400. CCM Vector 6.0 Shins Bauer 5000 helmet, Mission 10000 gloves Easton shoulders, Mission Hex-1
  20. Just picked up those 5K Pumps today, very very very comfortable. Mission Hex-1 Stick, RH, 75 flex, Hull curve. More pictures to come Sorry for the quality, camera phone
  21. Like my Mission 10000's. And they're shiny too!
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