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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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Everything posted by EBondo

  1. Got here yesterday, but of course I had a game Thursday night! Happened with my 1X too haha. Can't wait to use it, first impressions were how boxy the shaft was compared to my 1X and CX, but it did feel a bit whippier than my QR1 (which was my only gripe about that stick).
  2. Love how my MyBauer 1X turned out! Big fan of how the only MyBauer logo is on the top of the shaft, not plastered all over the stick. USA color scheme, P14 pattern, 77 flex, griptac and full tactile grip as well. Missed having the full tactile grip.
  3. After my first game with it, I can't say anything bad about it so far. Granted it was just one game, but I never wanted to go back to my QR1. The blade was the best part of it, followed by the whippiness of it.I've been particularly hard on Easton in the past, but I'm glad I gave this a shot.
  4. First game in seven months tonight, getting to use this for the first time in a game as well. Took a couple shots with it and the feel was amazing, better than any Easton stick I've ever tried, but I haven't had luck in the long run with Easton in the past, so we'll see how this holds up.
  5. New skate could be same fit/tech, but it won't be a Mako. At least that's what I gathered from the Easton PK session. Sounds like they want to keep everything as a Synergy, Stealth and Pro line going forward
  6. It'll be at the $300 price point. Mako is gone after this year.
  7. I did not. Honestly, the holders were only on long enough to bake the skates haha.
  8. Man our back stock room is NOT big enough to handle all the gear coming out this month haha
  9. Have sold a couple more throughout the week, many have asked, but frankly are stock was never large on them to begin with
  10. This is my biggest issue with these results. I mean, look at the #6 helmet on that list, the 2100. I have a hard, hard time believing anyone is recommending the helmet to the travel hockey player. There's simply nothing to the helmet. This will be interesting to see as well. I've worn four of the helmets listed on this "ranking," the Re-Akt, the Re-Akt 100, the 4500 and currently the V08. Of all of these helmets, the V08 fits me the best, by far. And it sucks as an employee who simply wants to put the player in the best-fitting helmet.
  11. Would it surprise you if not even two weeks ago, she purchased said $300 dollar helmet?
  12. This is exactly what I dealt with yesterday. Armed with her trusty iPad and the article loaded up, she came in wanting three of the helmets. Regardless of what I tried to explain to her regarding how each person's head is different, and one helmet may not fit while another one may, she wasn't having it and wasn't going to accept any suggestion I offered. Fortunately, one of the kids was with her, and the helmet did end up properly fitting him.
  13. Had a woman come in today and buy three Krowns specifically because of this article.....thanks, ma'am! Haven't sold one of them in months.
  14. Has there been any info on how much the Speed Plate is going to retail for?
  15. Parents wanted me to give it up altogether, but no way in hell I could do that. Especially working in a hockey store haha
  16. New brace after my latest knee injury...now to invest in a new pair of shins wide enough to cover the sidebars on it.
  17. Did these up for a buddy of mine yesterday. Nexus 6000 boots, Labeda Hum'er Eviction chassis, Millenium extra-softs, Swiss bearings
  18. These would fit in PERFECTLY with the Alkali Assault team I was playing for haha, unfortunately though due to me still rehabbing my knee, don't think I'll be playing this year. But, they were too nice to pass up and I'm gonna use them as motivation to get back haha Got them through work, but they're also online too. HG has them. They're UMaine colors, so yeah, navy blue and baby blue.
  19. I'm not even playing hockey currently, but I couldn't pass these up...
  20. Got the MRI results today for the umpteenth knee injury I've had since 2005... Dislocated kneecap, sprained MCL and fibular ligaments, and a torn medial retinaculum. I don't know for sure, yet, but it might be time to hang them up...
  21. Didn't realize you were on this site haha, nice. I'm the other Erik from HG haha
  22. ....Mine are better.........hahaha Chase, had no issues with my mounting. Used all coppers on it.
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