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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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  • Skates
    x60 / vector 10.0/ xxx/ xxxx
  • Hockey Bag
  • Shin Pads
  • Elbow Pads
  • Shoulder Pads
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  • Gloves
    PPF's/ M1
  • Stick
    10.0 shaft/s17/st shaft

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    Montreal Qc
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  1. Added some new gloves to my collection. Kovy Luxe. Palms on my kovy and Ak46 Luxe.
  2. $125. Pretty good deal.
  3. Wow! Really good collection. Are the Habs Retro +1 cuff?
  4. Did you modify the cuff on the X95's or are they customs?
  5. Is it embroidered or ironed on?
  6. Wow. Amazing collection.
  7. Pretty sure they are 14-1 cuff
  8. Thanks! For some reason I keep my collection to strictly Canada made only. But I know overseas can make good stuff too (bauer).
  9. UCLA is right. I won but these weren't the color scheme I submitted. It ended up being $150 price including pro pack. I added name, number, mesh gussets, and palms and after tax and shipping it was $200. I chose the yellow mustang palms and din't regret it at all. I was just going to get the dual micro nash since I have it on a bunch of other gloves and actually like it. But these are definitely worth it!
  10. Hahaha yeah it is. Best deal in town.
  11. An updated pic of my gloves: Closer look at the creepers in the custom glove thread.
  12. Custom Creepers. Went with all tufftek except for the white cuff and finger. I thought classic would stay cleaner. I was scared about the roominess people were talking about but they are fine. Much tighter than the franchise 2.0's. Took only 3 weeks to be delivered.
  13. Brand new kovy pro stocks! Silver shield and much thinner than retail.
  14. How did she know which palms, and plastic inserts?
  15. Yup. The columbus ones were from TSR and they ar pre Vaughn's. The Torspo's are post.
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