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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble

All Flash

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Everything posted by All Flash

  1. Hhhmmm ......... that makes more sense. I was under the impression that it was more blade because of the bigger size steel.
  2. More blade on the ice with the same settings/profile. First thing I do to all my new skates.
  3. Wow ...... Where are you located that profiling is only 15-20$? Here in Vancouver B.C., the cheapest I have ever seen is 40$. And that was 10 years ago. The average now is 50$.
  4. For anyone that has seen the new MX3 skate............ Does it fit a slight deeper with the new lacing system? Inside ankles sit basically right at the eyelets on previous models where there is no padding . Trying to figure if I need customs or not. Thanx
  5. Was wondering if or when we will hear about Tack skate spec's? In RBZ's now just wondering what the fit is in comparison? Tacks = Vapors RBZ's = Supreme Ribcores = Nexus .......or somethimg along those lines..........
  6. Or.................... the ankle pads are not big enough to keep above your ankles from rubbing the top of the skates in which case everybody is right. They don't fit properly everywhere for every customer. Even though all customers who have the Mako bumps fit the skates everywhere except above the ankles. And the manufacturer can address something to open up their range of who the skate "properly " fits. No? All point of view. Reminds me of older Tacks issues involving the tendon guard that rubbed the lower calf leaving.........(coining new phrase I think)......Tack bumps. Manufacturers fault? Skates fit properly? .......Most don't end up with Tack bumps. Do the Tack wearers who got Tack bumps blame their stride or CCM for making an improperly fitting skate?
  7. Sherwood apparently makes a pp12 Iggy clone, that's where I will be going.
  8. Looking forward to how the new React helmet has changed for the better. Especially with the new front sweat band including the 37.5 material and the idea it will move the sweat to the sides. Excited. :)
  9. About time CCM put out a new helmet but definitely like they did all their homework first. Wondering if they will have all the little nuances to go with it that the OG Reackt had. For me personally the 30K gloves and the Ribcore stick from RBK and the CCM updated CL( now called the RBZ line) are the things I'm looking forward to the most from the new year.
  10. Haven't seen an answer to this yet so will ask again....... What happened to Step making a Fusion type set of runner's for LS 2's?
  11. Nice write up JR Thanx! Question about the injected lacing system on the MX3's... You said it wraps more? Does that mean it is actually suppose to wrap around the front of the foot? I thought it was designed for more forward flex so it was meant not to wrap and stay off the front of the foot?
  12. Not so much shock as it is dissapointment....... You are assuming I read everything you post and beyond that I heard rumors it might go out, then my rep told me it is their second best selling curve so it wouldn't be going out. Either way it is a sad day for Iggy curve lovers.
  13. With no E7 Easton just lost a life long Easton stick user :( Guess I have no choice but to move to Sherwood as they are the only company now offering an Iggy curve in regular stock.
  14. Easton Stealth RSII Flex: 100 Curve: Iginla Height: 6" Weight: 210lbs Age: 32 Postition: wherever needed Level of hockey: now...... beer league and drop in. Time-frame of use: About 1 year, 3 sticks , 3-5 times a week Aesthetics: Just like it's predecessor, this version of the Stealth RS is mainly black w/ yellow writing and highlights. This like most things in design goes along the lines of "less is more". 8.5/10 Weight and Balance: All 3 of my sticks have weighed between 425-430 grams. The balance is what makes this stick feel lighter than it is. Swing is effortless. 9/10 Blade: What was the bane of the original RS is the saviour of the RSII. The blade improvement is night and day. All 3 RSII sticks I owned ended up going the distance in blade life. Everyone of them had cracks, punctures, and general damage. But they all held up long past when I thought they should go. 9.5/10 Shaft/Flex: As I have said before, I prefer a square shaft geometry to a round one because i believe that the torque is controlled better with a square shaft. Having said that though I have no problems with the rounded corners that current Stealth sticks are trending to. The flex of Easton sticks is what keeps me coming back. Since 100 flex is technically too stiff for me and 85 flex is too whippy. The extension added to Easton sticks which brings the flex down 5 points is the perfect flex for me. 9.5/10 Feel: Easton has never had the best feeling stick in the world. This stick is no different. Although I do believe this is one of the best feeling sticks Easton has ever made. It has a ways to go to feel like a Bauer Vapor APX or Warrior Widow. 8/10 Shooting: Combination of the LKP and the new stiffer blade makes this stick one of, if not thee best, most accurate shooting sticks on the planet. In short, this thing fires lasers. 10/10 Durability: Hands down, way more durable than the original RS. When the toe of the blade on my first RSII chipped, I gave it to a friend who has had it for the last 10 months and is still using it. Although to say it is far gone is an understatement. The actual toe is the only thing gone as he cut it shorter to stiffen it up. The other 2 sticks held up even though they were beat badly everywhere. Just sold one to that friend. ;) 10/10 Overall: As always, when I look for a new stick I am looking for shooting first and everything else is just details. This stick does not dissapoint. It also improves itself in all the areas the original RS was bunk. 9.5/10
  15. Most Easton sticks feel about 5 points softer than stated..............
  16. My V9E is made in Mexico if I recall correctly......... Will check when I get home.
  17. Sounds like you don't back check either............ ;)
  18. The consensus I get from this forum is that the velocity step is not noticeably better than regular step because its the same steel just polished. Can anybody in the knowu tell me how close we are too seeing titanium fusion step steel?
  19. Any word on the fusion type steel with titanium from STEP yet?
  20. Possible for you to send your steel off to noicing sports and or another reputable shop you know from this forum to do them? Might be easiest if you got extra steel.
  21. Thank you that is exactly what I already thought.
  22. Keep hearing the kick point on the Mako 2 stick has changed/lowered........Can someone plz elaborate and say how this compares to the RS2 and its main differences so I can be clear on the subject. Thanx
  23. So after 10 days and 7 games demoing the new Mako skates, These are my thoughts; Boot- Molding properties to gain fit is better than any other skates currently out there. It is also 2 eyelets lower cut then my current EQ50's which gives very poor energy return. More so than my EQ50's which are not very stiff compared to most top end skates. I also have found myself more tired than I usually do after games recently with my legs also being more fatigued than per my norm. Not mention protection coverage because of said low cut skate which I found out in my third game. Got a puck right at top edge of skate just above my inside left ankle bone which for just over the last week is still affecting my entire foot. Yes, I understand it is suppose to be that low for range of motion but a skate can be higher cut and not affect ROM if it is the proper stiffness for that skater. Holder & Steel - Leave something to be desired as the steel felt weird compared to STEP or LS2. Also whenever I checked my steel the holder was pushed up in the middle making it seemed warped or not fitting. A little pressure seem to always fix it back to normal though. As for pitch which was suppose to be quite noticeable on these, my experience was balance seem to be in the middle of my foot with stock insoles and perfect for my stance once I put in my custom pro Graf footbeds putting me forward. In saying that though whenever bent forward to really bear down and go the curve of the toe of the steel put me on my face several times. Intangibles - Tongue was fine when skating but took me some time to get it on right and in position because of how close the boot fit when tying my skates. Which I would be easily willing to give up for fit. Tendon Guard - As I said before the tendon area at the back of the boot annoyingly dug into my achilles but once I was playing it was a forgotten issue. Again would like to see tendon guards of different stiffness's for those who might be a little bigger and found it a lil' flimsy. Also a tool for the tendon guard should come with the skates, not a tool for the holders which is a standard Robertson bit.(#2 I believe) Final conclusion - The Mako skates could definitely help with skating technique when used but true advantage over other top end skates comes down to energy return and protection IMHO. Hope this helped.
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