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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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Everything posted by coryroth24

  1. I feel you on that one...
  2. So I'm currently employed, but looking to move on. I have my resume out there on the typical sites that we've all come to use at some point or another. That being said, I work in the product management/product development type field and if I get one more damn email asking me if I want to become an insurance salesman, marketing door-to-door hack or if I want to sort Australian Air Mail from the comfort of my own home, I'm going to lose it!
  3. Haven't bought any equipment in almost a year (except for some crappy Tron socks for beer league), then this happens. Pure Hockey 20% sale got me a the Kurtis Foster (NJD) Bauer 4-rolls. Amazon messes up so I bought two Warrior Covert DT4s (only received one...) Stewie hands off some barely used shins for a price I couldn't argue with. Got me some new Bauer 800 socks. and lastly, scored a new Bauer compression jock on eBay. Turns out a lady bought them thinking they were bike shorts for her husband. So I gladly purchased the $50 jock from her for $12 bucks, thank you very much... And a family photo of my Devils 4-rolls in various sizes...
  4. I mean I get it, its the summer, we're guilty of bringing in a couple of guys here and there to give us two lines on a few given nights, but we're not bringing in borderline A/B guys to play in a C league. Best part was the most of the regulars on that team never saw the ice the whole game which shows you that they only brought them in to win the damn thing for them. It was bogus, but what can you do. Its just beer league...
  5. Same old story. Summer beer league championship game against a team who all of a sudden has 7 or 8, 23/24 year old studs playing for them that we've never seen before...
  6. Think he still does that over at the Ice Vault. He made the USAH Labatt tourney a shit ton of fun a few years back...
  7. Somehow pulled off a "B" on my Sociology final on Friday. Still trying to figure out how I pulled that off, but sure as hell ain't arguing!
  8. Just curious if the upgrades to the Nexus 1000 gloves are worth the extra few bucks?
  9. Sociology sucks! Just saying. Too many terms to memorize and not enough time... Taking some online courses to finish off my Bachelor degree and this really is my first snag. Give me statistics, physics, trig and I'll fly right through. But asking me to remember the functionalist perspective regarding deviance, F-that...
  10. Little b-day present from my folks. Pretty excited for this one. And an updated family portrait with my Pro Bully and x89 Pure Hockey blow out additions.
  11. Played a team that stooped to an all time low last night. I can deal with bringing in a ringer or two, but six?!?!? We played this team four times previously (2-2) and never have seen any one of the six guys they brought in. Pure BS. Game got chippy with them too. They had 17 players on the bench and ended up with 13 by the end of the game. We did get the last laugh though, our 10 man bench knocked them off 4-2...
  12. Yea dude. Best part about ordering from them. I'll get my orders in two days for regular ground shipping. I usually hit them up first if I'm looking for something and will buy from them over say Ice Warehouse even though the shipping might not be free, but it'll get to me faster...
  13. Damn Pure Hockey just put me back in the glove buying mood. Merry X-mas to me. Couldn't pass these up for $66 bucks!
  14. Greatest garage sale score ever! Unit was pretty much new. Only have a few, fixable issues. For one the guy I bought it from didn't take the plasitc coating off of the bubble, so it's been on there for a few years and difficult to get up and the goalies are a bit tough to move. Not bad for paying $80 bucks for something that goes for $700-$800 new! Think I might try to add a volume knob for the speaker in the score board. It's amazing how much louder these things are in a confined space. Anyone else have one of these that can share any tweaks they did with theirs?
  15. It's 14U. Not talking about 10 year olds...
  16. Does this offend anyone? If it's too small, all it is is the scores of our three district games that my team won followed by "Who's Next". This didn't sit well with a couple of people. I don't get it. We used to do this shit all the time in high school. Bet the people who complained want 5th place trophies for their kids as well...
  17. Made one of the girls I coach cry last night (14 year old at that). Took a one in a million wrist shot during a drill with her standing in front of the net. Snapped her intermediate Miken stick clean about a foot above the heel. And now of course Mom is pissed at me...
  18. Owe the F'ing IRS $$$... Can't wait to tell the wife...
  19. Few of my recent pick ups. Grabbed a barely used pair of 8090's off of eBay a few weeks ago. My Harrow 300pro gloves from X-mas that I'm trying to get used to. Then last weekend's pick up from Pure Hockey up in Needham. I made the mistake of trying on the TotoalOne elbows. Damn things fit perfectly and don't budge!
  20. Agreed. I thought of getting a 15" instead, but I found that I didn't even notice the shortness of the fingers once I started playing. The biggest thing I'm having trouble getting used to is how light they are. I love the bulkyness and weight of my 4-rolls. These feel like there's nothing on your hand!
  21. Picked up a pair of Harrow's 300 Pro gloves. They're overall not bad. Very light with the volume of a 4-roll in the hand, but the fingers feel like a Vapor X60 or similar.
  22. I'm getting and end of the year bonus. Yea, awesome, money I didn't have before and I'm grateful for it. I write this in the venting spot because the dip shit couple that also works here, who show up 15-30 minutes late, every day, are also getting a bonus because our owner "doesn't think it's fair that everyone else gets a bonus and they don't") Fucking seriously? What is this, first grade? Everyone gets a trophy for participating?
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