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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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Everything posted by interpathway

  1. I think it's hilarious they baked a pair and sent you out to skate on them (assuming within an hour or maybe two), got their feedback, and what? Put them back in the stock room?
  2. Everyone, or every hockey player you interact with? Because there are a ton more of us that you don't know.
  3. Midnight Monday morning skating. http://gifninja.com/animated-gifs/469369/oh-crap-omark
  4. Can only hope this marks the end of stock scalloped steel on Easton's skates.
  5. Exactly what I was talking about. Didn't know how old the technology was, but a similar machine wouldn't be impossible to recreate. Wishful thinking. Excited to hear more.
  6. Hopefully they'll offer a machine similar to CCM's for their U+ a couple years ago.
  7. QFT. Impressive. How slick is the (granite) against the (SS)?
  8. I'd venture to guess original 2.1 steel, given SSs taller height.
  9. Rofl, not when you make money and have someone else's wife make you a home cooked meal. Who wants to rage tonight??, not me!
  10. ZEES intersects with HORN to make ZEES and SHORN. The intersecting S is on a triple word score, and the Z in ZEES is a triple letter score. 32 points for ZEES (the S was a blank tile so no point value) and 7 points for SHORN. x3 makes 96+21 points = 117. = me quitting.
  11. The guy I'm playing in Words with Friends just dropped a 117 point banger on me. Quit, or trek on... hmmm.
  12. Too bad no one spoke with Savard. I hope Perron can turn the corner, while it doesn't sound good, it always seems like it can happen at anytime. Must be tough-as-shit waiting around though. Would love to see those hands next season.
  13. Tentatively offered an internship with College Hockey News.com..., I sure hope they mean a satellite internship!
  14. Is she diabetic? If your food choices are causing ramifications such as this I'd seriously rethink my view on food, to be honest. Candy bar, regular soda, almost anything with sugar/carbohydrates will counteract the onset.
  15. I get it every day (possibly a slight overstatement).
  16. Start a riot and see if any of them will make-out with you.
  17. Agreed. One of my teammates died when we were seventeen. Thought about him every time we played, always tapped my stick twice as we stepped onto the ice. The pain gets easier to handle, but he's always thought of when I play. Sorry for your loss.
  18. I think I found a new best friend. Haha. edit: Thanks everybody. I know it'll be a long process, that should've started long ago, but I think I'm about ready to start seriously changing my habits to avoid any and all confrontation with things related to the past. I just hope I make it, I've certainly started trying before, but this time I feel like I'm just much more ready to try.
  19. Thanks for the responses guys. I really hope having to take drugs isn't the answer, there's been enough times I've zoned out (it does help), but perhaps a doctor prescribed one for this instance would be a better bet. Cutting ties just seems like the saddest thing in the world, Chadd. I hate growing up.
  20. Best luck JR, we're all pulling for you. Anyone ever get overwhelming feelings of nostalgia, desire, longingness, and loneliness when thinking back to an ex gf? My first, and only, true gf and I broke up years ago (4, yes, years ago) but I've struggled ever since trying to adapt my life in a way where thoughts, feelings, or memories of her and I won't flood my mind and ruin my day. The worst part is facebook, I always see her in photos and she looks happy and shes out having good times and I see her with other guys and, to be honest, it makes me want to put a bullet through my head, but want her back even more at the same time. It's not that I lead a boring or depressing life, I just think the best way to sum it up is that whatever it is I'm doing I always seem to look in the rear view mirror of my brain and imagine how much better it could be. We dated when I was a sophomore in college, she was a junior in HS. Sketch, I know. Everything was awesome, but to make a long and really depressing story short I started drinking that year of college and going to parties and made mistakes with other girls. When wind of this comes back around I end up on the curb alone. For two or three years (it might even be four, not sure how I feel about it to this day) I murdered myself internally everyday for breaking someone's heart so badly. For betraying her trust, for the lies that came out of my mouth, everything that comes with hooking up with someone else and then trying to cover your tracks. Even to this day I get violent pains if I sit around and, for lack of a better term, day-dream about how everything fell apart. Her and I still live in the same area, except when she goes away to school. There are times we will talk everyday texting, but there are equal times where I will send a text and fret for the rest of the night until I give up and go to bed with all my hopes foregone. It truly is a sad state of affairs some nights. I stalked her so much that I defriended her (sorry to lose anyone not familiar with FB at this point) because I was pissing away my life looking at her profile and seeing pictures that would make me jealous, guys "writing on her wall", etc. etc. Again, sad state of affairs. While that has helped some, it has not changed the longing, the palpable desire to go out and start everything all over again with her. Before anyone tabs me as crazy (don't worry because I do already) the girl in question plays the role pretty well. When she is home for the summer we will go out drinking at the bar or her and I will chill at my apartment or one of our mutual friends', things along those lines. So she does give me hope, she does offer me a (albiet small) reason to keep trying. But sometimes I just think she is fishing, ready to catch and release when we get too close. I'm twenty-four now. I'm far removed from the nineteen year old boy who dated this girl. But my heart isn't. I started playing hockey again almost immediately after the break-up. I spent ten hours a week on the ice working on my game. I've gotten far better than even I thought I would, I used to be a plug in HS. Exceeded expectations in every way. Hockey literally is an escape, I treat it as such because it gives me a sense of superiority, and the more I realize I think many of the people I skate with (pick-up) despise me for it, but it's an outlet of frustration, anger, and self-hatred. Big ups to MSH, I joined the summer after we broke-up, and mining myself into another passion of mine, gear, ice, the sport itself is a seriously welcome respite from everything. I hope everyone knows how much of a solace it is to sign on and see someone quoting me in a thread or responding to a question of mine. It seriously makes me happy. The more I've forced myself to look at the situation the more I realize that parts of my emoting aren't under my control. As a Type 1 Diabetic (WOOT!) my emotions can get pretty out of control, especially when my blood-sugar is too high. Having your blood sugar fluctuate can really bring on a roller coaster of emotions, from the highest peaks to the saddest lows. I've decided to keep trying to get better at managing my blood sugars because not only is it important for my day-to-day life, but hopefully, to keep myself from getting to out of control thinking about Janna (yes, I name dropped her). When we first broke-up I was so sure that, someday, eventually, we would get back together. I would sit in my parents basement (summer after college) and sulk, but took solace, HEY, she's going to get back with ME. HEY, she loves ME. This thought dies little by little with each passing day, all some-one-thousand of them. I still go out, I lead a normal life, I even hit on girls and try and flirt with the ones out of my league, haha. It helps, but whether or not I get their number or what have you, every time my phone text chirps, I take a quarter second before looking because I enjoy the feeling I get, "Maybe this is Janna". I take a breath and look, it's not (it's usually no1 drft pck), and then the process starts all over again.
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