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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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Everything posted by Goonsquad

  1. Its a challenge. packing your meals including a snack helps out too. Agreed. have a snack on had between meals helps. I usually have oranges, apples and bananas on hand. The difficult thing for professionals is to immediately run off and buy convenience foods like MickeyD's, Pizza, hot dogs. Cooking at home helps. Good luck!
  2. +1 Cut back on portions. Don't necessarily deprive yourself of the "bad" foods.
  3. He's probably overwelmed with a lot of details about what happened. Maybe give him a call or sit down with him and talk about it. Try to open up the lines of communication. Your mom needs you, your father and the rest of your family now to help her through this.
  4. I don't think its a legitimate gripe.. just because the ticket is stamped for 1st class seats does not mean you get on first. If the family was seating in your seats than yeah you can raise hell. I think its a good thing that the family can get on board before the other passengers because you never know if the child or even parents has a health issue that needs to be taken care of before takeoff (anxiety etc)
  5. beatng yourself up has been taken to a higher level
  6. Would Bauer be willig to license their design out to 3rd party manufacturers? The flip side can a 3rd party manufacturer tweak the design enough to no infringe on patent but still be usable.
  7. You should get a Nemo sticker and stick it to the side of the sheild. Let them chirp all they want! talk is cheap. ER cost not so much
  8. I don't get how your car breaking down results in getting fined...
  9. A friend that we play with passed away yesterday. One of the most friendly and personable person ever. He served in the Marines and did a tour in Iraq. he's one of those guys that is definitely missed when not around, so much so more now.
  10. Jonesing for some more Old bay Chips? You got some real winners that play in your league.. ;) How was the checkup? hoping for the best!
  11. The feeling you get when an RBK edge 1.0 jersey fits loose over your pads. amazing what happens pay attention and control what you eat.
  12. How could you tell he was on a ZC sharpened runner? The other way to look at is if all the branding was removed from the helmet, stick, or protective gear, would you be able to tell by how the puck traveed the brand of stick being used or how fast he got up after a hit, the type of protective gear he used? The other side of it is yeah he's been on ZC for the longest, how do I as a potential user try that type of sharpening out. I recall when FBV first came out, with me being in the DC area, it was a lot more difficult to find a local shop that provided that service. The video is great for selling himself to potential recruiters but i am not sure I see how ZC fits in there. What happens if he plays in an area that does not offer ZC? does his skating ability automatically drop?
  13. A better excuse would be "My dog used the computer as a fire hydrant".. Excuses are excuses though.. avoiding the Truth
  14. That's pretty odd...generally steel doesn't do that unless there is a defect, like a micro fracture or an impurity got into that batch of steel or overheating the steel. I like sets of Step that I have. I get a lot better feel out on the ice.
  15. Secon Seconded and Third! All those in favor? motion passed ;) Sucks. We had a goalie who would liquor up and get high before a game and blamed losses on us. I mean yeah we sucked.. but its really deflating when softies are being let in when you're skating your ass off.
  16. Yup.. This goes to show that without a backstory, its hard to understand the situation . Sorry dude. I am with you on the memories and shared good times
  17. Sucks but sometimes you gotta cut your mom some slack. yah the stuff was willed to you but it would have made sense to move the item(s) to your own spot then have someone else be the caretaker..
  18. Ranks up there with people getting up and walking when the puck is in play. Come on folks have some common sense and wait until there is a stoppage in play.. .
  19. holy crap.. were there signs that he was going to do it?
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