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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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Everything posted by Goonsquad

  1. So sadden to hear of this news this morning. Great person, always willing to help, and passed on his knowledge to all that wanted to know. One of the best humans around
  2. Just had SkateScribes powercut done this weekend and really enjoy skating on it, to be fair, the guys at SkateScribe said that I had to adjust the hollow to a shallower cut when getting the profile, which i did. I am now on a quest to figure out how to get the rest of my runners done.
  3. Goonsquad

    20 years?!?

    Happy birthday MSH!
  4. This sucks.. Hope the hernia heals quickly !
  5. Happy belated 18th birthday MSH!
  6. I am waiting on the Photoshop version. Plus the yellow laces will tie in with the whole lightning color scheme….
  7. I think we all should rock yellow laces around @dkmiller3356
  8. Signed up! Cant wait to see you guys
  9. Goonsquad

    Save the date!

    Save a spot for me too please
  10. Happy birthday MSH !
  11. And Me getting my ankles broken!
  12. Mojo about to be chopped!
  13. What in the f*cking H. E. Double hockey sticks??? Take some time out. There is always just subbing for a team OR another team might reach out for a goaler
  14. https://smile.amazon.com/s?k=bunga+pads+for+figure+skaters&crid=6FC88CUW1JW8&sprefix=bunga+%2Caps%2C373&ref=nb_sb_ss_i_2_6
  15. Lets hope its better than my aim on goal
  16. Some movement for the Islanders arena https://sports.yahoo.com/ny-state-approves-1-3-billion-arena-project-043540178--nhl.html?src=rss
  17. I'll second the praise of the Montys coatings! I had a couple of sets of STEP coated by Monty. I feel like the edges do not dull as fast. Plus the finish looks great in Black Tuuks..
  18. That shot off the face off is a tough one to stop.
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