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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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About NZblackice

  • Birthday 06/26/1991


  • Skates
    Bauer Vapor X:60
  • Gloves
    NHB Vapor XXX
  • Stick
    Pro Stock Warrior Dolomite HD

Profile Information

  • Location
    Nahant, MA
  • Gender

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  1. Haha shit guys have a little faith in me.
  2. New backyard shooting set up. Almost finished, just need to get another net above the crossbar attached.
  3. Just moved from my home in New Zealand to my new home in Nahant, Massachusetts. Made the decision to move here to live with family and pursue the dream of college hockey!
  4. What would you compare the Federov curve to in an Easton or Bauer? Would you say Forsberg in an Easton and PM9 Malkin in a Bauer? Also, have you got a pic of the white one 90's?
  5. Yep, that's what were known best for! Where abouts did you go? Where was your favourite?
  6. Happy Birthday! How big is hockey over there in New Zealand? Cheers mate! Hockey isn't that big here, we are still very much a minor sport. But it's grown alot in the last couple of years, we have media covering our national league now (the NZIHL), and since we held the div III mens world champs here in March, and won that as the host nation that really helped it grow. Some really good progress here.
  7. Haha I love the fact that your gear is presented on the shrine. The hockey God's will be happy.
  8. How does that work? I didn't think they were being released for another couple of months anyways?
  9. Inline wheels that lit up crazy colours when you skated on them? Those were brutal!
  10. I wouldnt say exact, but it would be pretty close. I wear a 9D in the Vapor XXXXs and the 9D in the X60s fit very similar. Thanks heaps guys, went to my lhs today and tried on an old pair of vapor 12's or so lol (good gear is hard to come by in NZ!) and the 8 fit perfect so I'm going to assume the X:60's will fit good also and order them in an 8. Thanks again!
  11. Hey guys, didnt search for this topic very well and started a new one, i'll post my question here instead. My bad guys. As you all could probably guess, hockey gear is pretty limited in New Zealand. I'm thinking on ordering a pair of X:60's online but want to be sure on the fit first. I can try a pair of size 7.5 Bauer vapor xxxx's, would these fit the same as an X:60? For example, does a 7.5 XXXX fit the exact same as a 7.5 X:60 would? Thanks.
  12. I turn 18 on Friday! Since the drinking age in New Zealand is 18 it's probably the equivalent to turning 21 in the US or Canada. Plus, my parents are buying me X:60's for my birthday, can't wait to be one of few in NZ to rock 'em.
  13. Me in my New Zealand u18 uniform at Div III world champs 2009
  14. I believe you can get them from anyone that carries swiss grafs. Try some of these listed here: http://www.grafskates.ch/167.html?&L=1 It would appear that www.ukpallas.fi carry them. Thanks heaps mate! Can anyone tell me what language this site is in so i can try to translate it? http://www.ukpallas.fi/graf700.htm#R-80 Thanks heaps guys!
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