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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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Everything posted by dw91

  1. No problem with shipping, everything on the up-and-up? Might have to take that route if it worked for you. Side question for those more educated on why product offerings are different between countries: why doesn’t CCM distribute this jock in the states or Canada? People are always complaining about cups and this one has nothing but rave reviews.
  2. Does anybody have a lead on where to find one of these? It looks like they were available in Canada, but is there anywhere in the US? Sideline swap has one for 100 bucks, and eBay has some in Europe.
  3. that back right pair has seen better days, haha
  4. just picked up some minnesota wild 4 rolls and a vector helmet, with a visor that appears to have been dremeled at the top. its rougher than the bottom, so i doubt it came from the factory that way. pro stock, so who knows
  5. Needs more netting, for sure. Still trying to set up something like this myself, only instead of a fence, I've got woods, and a creek behind my target. Wonder if there's anywhere to get surplus army netting or fishing net that would hold up to pucks?
  6. I might see if Wissota would sell me the spare parts to modify a grinder, as that's basically what their machine is. If not, looks like I'll be saving my pennies for a while, or trying to get some friends to go in on it together.
  7. I'm aware this is a ridiculous idea, but I've got a stainless steel table about the size of a skate sharpener (1 inch thick), a few grinders, and I'm sick of driving 45 minutes to get a decent sharpening. Plus, im on a college student budget, so the drive over sucks. From what I can tell, ive got to come up with a blade holder, grinding wheel, and some way to dress the wheel. Has anyone made one before, and if so, how did it turn out? Thanks for any positive insight.
  8. two pairs of grafs in the same game picture, that hasnt happened for a while
  9. I like 'em, but they aren't worth what people are asking for them. I refuse to spend over $120 on gloves
  10. Dammit Dupes, how many pairs is that now of the vintage? I think you are the reason why I can't find any :P 15", if anybody has a hookup, haha
  11. edit: nevermind, found the gloves on his site.
  12. Not to thread jack here, but I am an ice player, and I have an old pair of graf 705's sz 12 laying around, and some 852 tacks sz 11.5. I'd like to make an inline pair out of one of them. Would a local shop be able to mount a chassis up if i brought in the skates and a set of chassis? The 852'smight be a problem, as there are a few cracks in the footbeds starting at the rivets. Also, where would one go about getting a set of chassis to do this? thanks for the help
  13. I have custom wood blade envy right now. How much did that run you to get all of those?
  14. does ziggy's carry only penguins shells? do they have a website?
  15. what kind of material do they use for those pant ads clark12? also, is it sewed on or just glued on, or what?
  16. It'd be like goldschlager, only toxic, and not gold, or cool by any stretch of the imagination. Basement bars are great, when I find a good spot for my powerskater, hopefully we'll be building one in my basement too. No skate sharpener though
  17. That's a pretty good chunk of change, but if its as awesome as its cracked up tp be, it'd def. be worth it. Is there anywhere in Illinois to get FBV sharpenings done? and can you go back to regular hollow sharpenings afterward, on the same steel?
  18. I HAVE to get this, I'm 6'4 225 skating on a 3/8 radius. I can't find anything else that gives me the bite i like, but I want more glide, so this is basically exactly what I need. But for now I'm gonna be trying out a 7/16. Still dont think that will help that much though. How much does it cost to get an existing competitor's machine to the point where it can do FBV sharpenings?
  19. I need to try this FBV, its too cool not to give a shot. Might have to talk the team into getting FBV on the sharpener this fall if its as amazing as its hyped up to be.
  20. Should have named him George after George Tackaberry .. if you didnt already, lol. Hell, his middle name should have been Tackaberry lol
  21. Yep, if its something you really don't like, its fairly easy to forget it, haha. We had some foreign exchange students from Germany at our school this year, so I talk to them in German on facebook still which helps. I kind of want to work over there/study abroad, so hopefully I learn something, haha
  22. Frank Zappa, doubt too many people are listening to him anymore. Oh and Black Sabbath-Master of Reality. Their best album in my opinion.
  23. Tested into 300 level German as a freshman. Gonna have to work my ass off, but it felt nice to test 2 years ahead of what I was expected to do by my german teacher in high school. Double major in Mechanical Engineering and German is looking very attainable now. School starts in a month, hockey tryouts are the first day of class. Oh and new pants and shins coming tomorrow :)
  24. if you guys ever see a redwings lower section in like a 56 or XXL, let me know, im dying to find one
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