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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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Everything posted by Fletch

  1. I bet the Mission boys on the board aren't too happy about that setup ;)
  2. Those are AMAZING. I love the colors.
  3. Is Rudy playing on a Narch team? A couple years ago he asked me if I would like to play on a team he was trying to put together for Narch but it never materialized as far as I know.
  4. Very nice. How did you get them? A hook-up?
  5. I'd like to know which member of the Cyclones he is.....if it's Rudy, Fletch misses ya, baby! ;)
  6. Damn....there aren't anymore pairs of those at $45 are there? I would love a pair.
  7. Yup. Medium fits 9-11.5 Wait - which chart is correct? Monkey says a NBH 10D needs a Large Mission chassis - http://www.hockeymonkey.com/mission-alloy-...hassis-set.html But IW says differently (but it does say "Mission skate") - http://www.inlinewarehouse.com/descpage-MAC.html
  8. I'm an enabler for TBLfan....haha.
  9. Those 4-rolls are beauty. What cuff length is that?
  10. What's the point of the holes in the tendon guard?
  11. Diggin' the Tackla's.
  12. Ah, I see. Thanks.
  13. Using a monitor with jacks for it or bought the DVI cable for the 360? If he has an iMac there's no jacks of any kind on the back to plug a console in, unless you use the EyeTV from Elgato which is USB....I haven't heard good things about it though so I've never taken the plunge.
  14. OT - Killthepoodle....are you somehow playing your 360 on your Mac?
  15. Those are badass.....are those separate shoulder caps that you can switch out?
  16. Straight from an email from Fix It By Mail - "Hi Mr.Fletcher, Unfortunately we are not allowed to install Eagle palms on other brands then Eagle. If there is anything else that you wanted done I'll be happy to answer any questions. " Same thing happened to me last week... sucks Here's what they just wrote me in regards to other palms they offer for non Eagle gloves - "We can put clarino, cow leather for 42$. Goat skin, digital, Mustang (horse hide)are 60$. Clarino and Nash are about the same, but we are out of stock for the nash. "
  17. Straight from an email from Fix It By Mail - "Hi Mr.Fletcher, Unfortunately we are not allowed to install Eagle palms on other brands then Eagle. If there is anything else that you wanted done I'll be happy to answer any questions. "
  18. Wow....those are some white skates.
  19. Micki Dupont....poor guy. Did they ever figure out what the cause of death was?
  20. Benz, are those Shanny Vapor XXX pro stocks?
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