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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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Everything posted by Fletch

  1. Yeah, those were sweet. I like the more unique warrior color schemes but I'm a sucker for those Caps ones too.
  2. I wouldn't necessarily order the Kovalchuks - I just wanted to know if I could pick colors other than those in the template :)
  3. I have one...I love it. I have a flypuck too and it's not bad either.
  4. If I wanted a specific team design, like Ottawa or Buffalo and sent them pics of NHL'ers wearing that scheme, do you think they could do it?
  5. Yep. Isn't that the weirdest thing? Sometimes I get what I call "stingers" if I hit it on something, or get hit in a game and it basically makes my arm so painful I can barely rotate the forearm for a week. I also have a 4 inch plate on my radius in that arm. The first time I broke it I literally broke it in half to where it looked like I had 2 elbows. It was gnarly ;). Missconduct, those are beauties. I wonder how one would go about ordering custom ones like that from Warrior, since their site doesn't allow you to do that color scheme........(?)
  6. Kevlar palms (Itech I-90)? My friend wishes to god he could still find a pair though....
  7. Nice. I have two plates in my right arm...one goes all the way up the ulna (8 inches)...18 screws total. Of course I broke it playing hockey. :)
  8. Disagree. NHL 2K3 and 2K5 were extremely solid and easily the best hockey games on the market, especially back when EA's NHL series was in the toilet. It wasn't until NHL '07 when EA finally started to get it right (again).
  9. Easton T-Flex system, at the time it seemed gimmicky but probably set the course or tapered shafts/blades we see today. Agree or disagree?
  10. Goon! http://images.sportsline.com/u/ap/photos/M...23_1024x768.jpg
  11. http://images.sportsline.com/u/gettyimages...00_1024x768.jpg
  12. I remember back in the day when Marty Mcsorley was wearing them on the Kings. The Flite boots, that is....
  13. LOL....you and me both :) Here ya go ;) http://cgi.ebay.com/Micron-M2-Mens-Ice-Hoc...1QQcmdZViewItem
  14. What team did Demitra play for when he used those mitts?
  15. :lol: For real, that dude is the toughest half-shield in the league. Will back down and never drop the gloves but when the refs come in and try to separate, that's when he's at his toughest. Oh yes, I know....I remember a game in LA when Avery got in his face and as the refs step in, Maltby throws a right cross that cut Avery. I know it was Avery, but still....like you said - gutless.
  16. My Wife has mine locked up somewhere....lemme see if she knows where it is. BRB. Maybe she keeps yours the same place my wife put mine, let me know when you find out. I miss mine. :( Wherever mine is, I think my paychecks keep it company.
  17. My Wife has mine locked up somewhere....lemme see if she knows where it is. BRB.
  18. Don't start with me! I've got titanium implants in each ankle and 2 stainless steel plates and 18 screws in my right arm! ;)
  19. Heh...Thanks man. I'll keep ya in mind ;) Hahhaa.....They're probably too young to know what you meant..."Robocop? Who the hell is Robocop? Does he post here?" Seriously....kids these days! Man, I AM gettin' old....
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