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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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Everything posted by Fletch

  1. I have feet that overpronate when I put weight on them and the bones over my arches stick out. A simple molding won't cut it for me, unfortunately... :( Have you tried heating up a set of Test Drive's at a local dealer to find out if this is truly the case with Kor's? Not yet, though I would be very happy if the baking process in the Kor's was able to accomodate my ghastly feet. ;) I talked to Quinn at Artesia the other day about a test drive pair. Hopefully I can try some out later this month or next.
  2. I have feet that overpronate when I put weight on them and the bones over my arches stick out. A simple molding won't cut it for me, unfortunately... :(
  3. I thought Easton was coming out with composite end plugs for retail in 2006.....they're not in the catalog.
  4. That Shift 2 boot looks badass. BTW, are the KOR boots able to be punched? I wasn't sure since they're composite. I would need the area over the arch punched.
  5. Yeah, a long time ago back when they wore blue and silver. The "newer" socks were given to me by a buddy. I heard they're changing uni's again though...
  6. Anyone can do it, you just need to contact their group sales and arrange it. You also need to get a bunch of people together who want to play, and they each need to sell a few $20 tickets. It's not too hard to organize if you live around here, but if you were arranging for people to come here from out of town it would be a nightmare... ;)
  7. Yeah, I know....I need to keep my top hand down a bit more too, next to my hip. I've got a decent shot but yeah, the form is a tad off. EDIT - Actually, now that I look at it again, I don't think I was completely done following through....I think I close up a bit more towards the end.
  8. My friend sent these to me today. He was there at the Pond taking pics as well and he got some really nice shots of me. These are the last ones, I promise...haha. I just like getting feedback from you guys (positive or negative).
  9. Bauer Supreme Comp's.....old school, ha. My right TUUK was later shattered in the game http://www.modsquadhockey.com/index.php?showtopic=15994
  10. LOL....well, the photos from this game keep pouring in. Here's one more of me on the off foot scoring - And this one's from warm-up's, I think. As you can see, I seem to like that off-foot shot....lol.
  11. Thanks :) I had to snap it off on my off foot....I was surprised I picked that corner, lol.
  12. Here's another one of me in the same game going 7 hole and top shelf on the goaltender (note the net bulging) - And immediately after the goal...lol -
  13. I'm also playing at Staples Center after the Kings-Oilers game on Jan. 26th! :)
  14. Thanks, man :) I look a little hunched over in that one pic, I need to work on my knee bend a bit.
  15. Here's some pics of me from a game I played in at the Arrowhead Pond last Friday night after the Kings-Ducks game. I had 3 goals and an assist and we won 12-6. :)
  16. Nice...you're in the main header image on the site too -
  17. I don't know what category he fits into, but Kovalev is an amazing skater.
  18. Ah man...I loved my Air 90's :(
  19. I thought the 8090's had a more "traditional" fit...........?
  20. Nice Gloves, Blues. How are you liking those 8090's?
  21. Yeah, you can tell how small it is by looking at where the faceoff dot is in proximity to the boards. :o
  22. Man, your skates are badass!
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