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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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Everything posted by Fletch

  1. Glad you got them! I am still waiting on mine, hopefully not too much longer :) Thanks for the writeup, too - stuff like that lets me know what to expect. I may end up using my Superfeet Carbon from my Super Tacks (current skates) if I don't like the True Footbeds but we shall see.
  2. Thanks for the update... sorry to hear the fit seems a bit off so far. Hopefully that changes as you tweak them a bit more and get some more skates in.
  3. Is anything rubbing against the area that is hurting?
  4. Awesome, man. Please keep the updates coming!
  5. Me too... 4 weeks as of yesterday and I keep waiting for that email or phone call that says they are on the way to the shop for me.
  6. On an unrelated note, his laces look like a mess.
  7. I was going by the tongue embroidery... I haven't seen any company other than True do that with that same font. Maybe someone in the know can clarify.
  8. They are renderings... not sure how close those colors actually are to reality but I'm sure we will see eventually.
  9. I believe so. You can get the eyelet area in black (standard), blue, red, silver or white. I almost went white but after seeing a mockup of it from True, I decided to go with black because I like the more traditional look.
  10. That's awesome. I know that there are quite a few Sharks players already in them. I'm sure we will see a lot more this coming season. Hopefully I get the call from my LHS soon!
  11. I ordered mine 4 weeks ago tomorrow and called my LHS. They said they are still waiting for notification that they shipped but also told me a guy had just called with the same question but he had ordered his a week before I did. Same thing with him, they haven't gotten a shipping notification yet. Kinda sucks to have to wait but I knew that going in there would be a delay because they need to get the Pro orders done. I'll update this thread when mine ship.
  12. Love the old Easton 4-rolls... you can never go wrong with that classic look.
  13. Yeah, that was the customization choice that was the toughest for me... in the end I went with white because it looks more traditional, but I may order a pair of black down the line to swap them with.
  14. The fact that the goalie skate is not seated properly bugs me... I didn't notice it when I took the pic or I would have straightened it.
  15. Display is up at Monkey in Irvine, right in the center of the skate wall.
  16. Who knows... maybe it was a blem or the person had club feet ;)
  17. Negative... haha. I saw it with my own eyes.
  18. It is definitely crooked in person, that's not the camera angle. I figured because it was due to the shape of the foot of the person it was molded for, or the fact that it was a demo pair meant that maybe that pair didn't work out.
  19. I like it mainly because it protects that area of the composite heel.
  20. I could be wrong but I think he means it didn't come with the piece below that has the True logo on it:
  21. Just saw this on my instagram feed in regards to being able to submit foot tracings:
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