Where on earth did you get those...been wanting them ever since I first saw the new color scheme for VAN. Hook a brotha up! sniper got them from the canucks sale that they had midseason they only had 3 or 4 pairs of gloves from the new color scheme
does anyone know how much that would cost ? ball park, i brought it into my LHS today, and they told me about 260 i was like ummmm no thats okay... but got me wondering, so anyone else know ?
almost all companies in the states aren't allowed to ship easton, bauer products cross country... i live in vancouver as well, the only way you can do it is order to an adress in the states and then go pick it up
thanks JR... i kinda like the new designs, it looks a little weird, but so did slovakia's WCH gloves... but i liked them... i really want the WCH gloves... sexy sexy :D