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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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About SteveM

  • Birthday 09/30/1983


  • Skates
    Vapor APX
  • Shin Pads
    CCM U+ CL
  • Elbow Pads
  • Shoulder Pads
  • Pants
    Warrior Covert DT1
  • Helmet
  • Gloves
    Custom Warrior Franchise
  • Stick
    Bauer APX, Reebok 20K

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  1. Out of curiosity how did you guys find out about the Warrior sale on Amazon? This is the first I hear about it and I would have loved to have taken advantage.
  2. Souldriver I'm not trying to be rude or anything but if you just download the catalogue and actually look at the pictures of the gloves you'll have most of your answers.
  3. AIREAYE I know you've been raving about the APX2 protective for a while now and Stewie you just mentioned the shoulders as well. Could either of you, or anyone for that matter elaborate as to what you like so much about them? JR mentioned they are very light - in the CCM CL range but why do you prefer them to the CL? I need shoulders now and am tempted to just grab the CLs on sale but if the APX2 are worth the wait then I will. Any feedback is appreciated, thanks.
  4. Thanks Jimmy, follow up question. My LHS carries regular Step but not the Velocity. Is the Velocity far superior or would regular Step with honing provide similar performance?
  5. Would you say all of the Step Steel doesn't require honing or only the polished blades?
  6. Hockey Supremacy Facebook contest?
  7. Tomorrow you'll probably be posting in the venting spot that NHL '94 isn't nearly as good as you remember.
  8. Double, subtract 10%, then add 32 so 34C is 93.2F.
  9. Here's my newest pick up, coming from the Vapor XXXX. I took the same size actually, not half a size down like others have said.
  10. No issue at all with the mesh gussets yet. I do take care of my gear though and play beer league hockey but as I said, no issue yet and I couldn't be happier with that choice. I'm really not too sure if there was an upcharge or not. I was prepared to pay a certain price for the gloves and once my LHS confirmed it would be below that number, I didn't really ask for a breakdown.
  11. I have them up on page 110 of this thread. Here's the link: http://www.modsquadhockey.com/forums/index...st&p=738592 The white stripes are leather and show almost no wear at all yet.
  12. As someone with tufftek Franchise's with leather detailing, I can tell you that it works well. The pinky stripe and cuff would be great in leather, but I'm not sure about the silver racing stripes. I would suggest switching up your design to having a silver leather stripe down the center instead of the two stripes; just my opinion. Regarding the mesh gussets, I simply asked and they did it. I didn't contact Warrior directly or anything, I just wrote it in the comments section of the form and gave it to my local shop. Good luck.
  13. Those Warriors are beautiful Seven6. I'm really liking the number in the same colour as the glove and the Warrior written in the same colour as well with just a gold outline. I also much prefer the non pro style cuff with the stripes going through the cuff rather than just giant text across the whole thing. Keep us posted on how the palms feel and their durability.
  14. Not hard at all. I filled out the customizer as close as possible and then just wrote the additional details in the notes. What also made it easier was that I sent the picture of Fedorov's gloves as well for reference.
  15. My new custom gloves http://www.modsquadhockey.com/forums/index...st&p=738592
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