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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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Everything posted by Leafsrule16

  1. Should have named him George after George Tackaberry .. if you didnt already, lol.
  2. Is that a joke? The farrells are the least bulky pads ever. It doesnt even look like im wearing anything under my jersey. My coach showed up late after we were all dressed and actually checked just to make sure. Dont just haul facts out of your ass.
  3. Ebays not the only place, Maritime sports has a few of them i was looking at. 2 pieces though, never bothered to look for a 1 piece, probably have those too though.
  4. Wow. I contacted eagle and they said those gloves coudlnt be done? Either way, beautiful. The CP94's are my favorite eagle glove of all time.
  5. Probably better off to find a fox body mustang if you dont hate the look, that or one of the late 60's models, i havnt even seen that era mustang in person except for a few times, probably stay clear of it, parts would be hard to come by. They were pretty choked off by the emissions too, not any impressive horsepower by any means. A fox body with a 302 would be a solid choice.
  6. The Rocket runner wasn't a failure, it is a great product. Sharpeners who didn't know how to sharpen it properly, they were the failure. They were the ones who turned customers off to it. Many thought it was the blade and just didn't know it was just an incorrect sharpening. How is it not a bust? A bust would be something hyped that never caught on ; exactly what the rocket runner is. Its barely even lighter as well. Hold a piece of 280mm LS2 steel in your hand; now go get a 280mm RocketRunner. "Barely" is not the word you will be using. Yeah but im sure a blade thats easier to sharpen's benefits outweigh (no pun intended) ones that save a few grams but besides that dont really make a difference.
  7. The Rocket runner wasn't a failure, it is a great product. Sharpeners who didn't know how to sharpen it properly, they were the failure. They were the ones who turned customers off to it. Many thought it was the blade and just didn't know it was just an incorrect sharpening. How is it not a bust? A bust would be something hyped that never caught on ; exactly what the rocket runner is. Its barely even lighter as well.
  8. I think that is one of the reasons the Si-Core was a bust. They were hyped as the greatest stick innovation ever. Everyone fought to get one. Then a year later Si what? Yeah, but to be fair they did kinda start a pretty big trend. They made composite sticks feel alive. Same with the nike skates, one of the first lines started soft boot construction where they had stiff outer layers and gel on the inside at a time when skates were just piles of leather and other materials. Sure the skates sucked, but they spawned bigger things, thats why for me the sicore wasnt a bust. I'd have to say the o stick is a bust, the new ones wont catch on any better, its just a gimmick.
  9. Helmets - White Bauer 4500 now with an oakley visor, Black 5500 with a white 480 and white ear loops, Black v10 with a white 480 and white ear loops Shin pads - still in search for pro stock jofas/rbk's, rbk 8k, mission fuels (top of the line white and orange ones, not sure if there 110's or 120's or what) Pants - Tackla 9000z airs Gloves - Custom franchises Shoulder pads - Farrells Sticks - x3 Easton Synergy se's forseberg 85's, rbk 8k 2 piece, warrior dolomyte 85 flex federov (hate the curve), paul stastny pro return woodies x3, one95, ect. Skates - rbk 9k pumps (white) with huge white felt tongues Thats most of the stuff i picked up this year, none of my last year stuff is pictured except for my graf skates.
  10. Alright, in that case it should be about $160-170. I think your better off picking up last years model such as a synergy se or something if your bent on having a top of the line stick but just starting. Ive seen jr's go for half that if they were last years
  11. Take a guess. The same price any other top of the line junior sticks are and have been for the last 5 years.. <_<
  12. Got a civic, been in a few car shows, its tasteful though dotn worry, heavy motor work. Ill post some pictures once i go pick it up. Its all blue, black rims, looks okay. Need to pick up an exhaust for it though, its real loud and i dont want that sound. Im going to turn around and sell it i think, i traded it for a fourwheeler soo .. 12? Thats pretty good, i was looking at probably the same car, very simliar anyways but a 02 with 200k on it stock but a 2 door for 8. The accord would be a good daily driver however, reliable and good on gas. I understand what your trying to say however.
  13. Jody Shelley .. does he even wear gloves?
  14. Yeah, exactly. All the skates seem to be the same with different coloring pretty much. The gloves vary quite a bit however. Today i zoomed in on my be a pro so much i could make out the curve he had was a mid curve and that his stick weighed 415 grams. Pretty cool there.
  15. Why is everyone saying the sicore was a bust? I loved those sticks, just about everyone ran out and bought one when they came out, i dont think they were breaking that much. I still have 2 in fine shape left over i use on pond hockey and what not, what was so bad about them? They also spawned an entire stick revolution with putting the foam in the core of the blades which also made them much more balanced and the feel thing wasn't substantial but it was noticeable. If you ever used a graf stick, youd come to realize the foam is partially the reason there so tough and have such good feel. Also the reason there so heavy.
  16. 2006 Easton Stealth CNT - Iginla 100 Flex Lh Introduction: I'm 5'10, 180-190 and i used stealths throughout most of my bantam/early midget years. I still have one laying around but its pretty beat up, used them from bantam aaa to a fun summer league, about 5 in total. Prefer a stiff stick with not a lot of curve to stick handle and dangle, have an easier time dangling with a straight curve. Aesthetics: I think this is one of the coolest looking sticks around. Easton really went through a lot to show off the corners on this thing, reinforced and well raised compared to the rest of the stick, coated in blue paint and then the black part with the logos and what not in the center. Its a very pretty color with a little bit of shine to it and a very intricate design. Defiantly a classy looking stick, not tacky and a fresh design. A departure of the heavily synergy-borrowed styling of the previous stealth. The grapics held up fairly well too, real well except for the bottom of the shafts which got chippy fairly easy. 10/10 Assembly: I never had a problem with eastons assembly. The stick was just as one would expect a new stick, new and free of imperfections. The weave on the blade was all in order, the stickers in tact and the paint was flawless. 9/10 because i heard other peoples sticks came with chips and what not, but thats not eastons fault. Check that stuff out before you buy it people. Weight and Balance: Wow. Despite being listed at 410 grams, this stick feels quite a bit lighter to me then the first generation stealths. The weightless feel and balance is the reason that i kept coming back for more. I might be a bit biased due to the great feel this offers but i cant help it, absolutely love the way these sticks feel. You will never find a stick this balanced and if you do, chances are it wont hold up near as long, there lightweight yet tanks. 10/10 Blade: Cnt seemed like a gimmick to me. I just thought it was another easton marketing term but the longer i used these sticks the more i found out how effective it really was. I never broke any of them at the blade, i had a few toe chips on a couple but it was before i was into taping the toes on them. The blades hold there stiffness for ever, i have one in my basement with huge chunks out of it i use for pond hockey, still 100% of its stiffness. Again, another 10/10 Shaft/Flex: I love the way this shaft feels as well. Its very springy and a bit lower flex then rated. I had a 100 flex heavily cut and it feels like a 85. I like my sticks 100 flex at shoulder height and to me this felt like an uncut 85. The concave shaft felt great in my hands as well and it had a very low kick point which was great for wrist shots. I never tried a grip stick in my life tell recently but the grip on these grip stealths is very tacky, too tacky for me but probably great for someone who loves a tacky stick. The shaft and blade is very alive and just fantastic, however if i could change one thing i would have put a wood end plug in these sticks straight out of the factory. It helped mine feel much better and i could shave it down. The flex is unbelievable, it feels soft to the touch but once i started shooting with it, slapshots were just as good but my writers shone. Loved the release it had, no problems at all. Theres not many guys below 200 pounds who could flex a 100 flex cut like i could with this stick, it was bending way out of its normal shape under pressure yet giving me some of the best shots ive ever released. Minus half a point for lack of end plug, plastic plug fell out multiple times as well. 9.5/10 Stickhandling and Passing: To me, this is where the stick was best overall, which is quite a statement considering my undieing love for these sticks. Theres a reason Mike Green was so desperate for these, and its simple. The way the feel will never be matched. I would be willing to give up every stick i own just for 3 or 4 of these things. The blade is very very light, and if you like that sort of thing then its fantastic. I know a few guys who didnt like the way the stick felt at all and preferred a stick with more weight to it but thats personal preference, the weightless feel is what i go for. Passing wasn't that great however as the blade was very stiff. Receiving passes took a bit of practice and getting used to as it seemed to jump off my stick unless i was soft on it. Still, the stiff blade helps on shots and durability. 9/10 minus a point for the passing Shooting: Despite not being a one95, i found my shots were great with this stick. Its not a great slapshot stick, however wrist shots and one timers seem to be where this stick shone the most. I had no problem launching a great snap shot or a wrister from in traffic with this stick and it kicked hard, real hard. I found this stealth to be the best shooting stick eastons ever made, it didnt seem to have there blade heavy feel of the first synergys, had better durability then the sicore, better feel then the super lights and way more durability then the s17's. A fantastic shooting stick. 9.5/10 Durability: As a guy who was very hard on my stick, i got great milage out of these things. I was getting about 5 months out of my first few, and went through 6 in 3 years, not full on in my last season. Thats almost twice what i get out of a lot of other sticks like se's and dolomites. I had a dolomite for a few weeks, got a few weeks out of each of my se's. I dont know if the cnt made that much of a difference but for me these sticks seemed to last forever. 10/10 Performance drop: Quite a bit better then anticipated really. I expected that the light and soft feeling stick was bound to lose most of its stiffness and shot power and probably break. Its just hard to trust a stick that light. But after a few weeks i noticed very little to no performance drop even the least bit. After awhile the shafts feel a bit softer but my blades have all retained there stiffness and its hard to ask of any more from the stick. Fantastic quality and performance. 10/10 Conclusion: I would give anything to see these things on the shelves again. I struggled to find one for the better part of a year after my pile was slowly dwindling, very sad to see them go. I was considering giving Mike Green one but no. I dont understand why easton doesn't make these again, i know they were expensive to make and at $320 a pop they were a bit more then they probably wanted to charge but i would pay it just for another taste of this great stick. For me, this is the greatest stick ive ever used. I used multiple others hoping they woud feel the same but there will never be another cnt stealth for me. 10/10
  17. Wouldn't a titanium blade be way better? Lighter, stronger, no rust and hold sharpens longer. They do them for figure skates. Imagine how light a pair of easton's would be with a ti blade on them, put step steel out of business.
  18. Kinda looks like my curve :
  19. Well, would you pay that much for something that doesnt work? Also, cnt was supposed to make the sticks stronger yet still play light, seems like it did just that. Why scrap it? I saw they were using it in there bats and bike components too (road bikes), any word on if they still are?
  20. From a guy with big calves (catching from the time i was 8 to present...21) to another guy with big calves. They fit surprisingly well. I was hesitant about them because all the reviews said they fit smaller, but with the adjustable calf wrap they have a custom fit and really feel good. Thanks man, im defiantly going to check them out. Im not a big guy (5'10 , 180) but its odd that i have such big legs, often have trouble. Im wearing missions now they fit good but the protection sucks.
  21. I meant sticks with cnt altogether. Why'd they scrap the idea, my cnt sticks seemed to hold up great.
  22. What about cnt in eastons sticks? The cnt stealth was great, now i never see anymore cnt sticks. Why?
  23. How small are they? I have very large calfs from biking and track and my legs always look huge in shin pads, i was looking for a slim low profile set and having a pair of reeboks, its far from it. Are they noticeably smaller then the rbks? I have yet to get to a hockey shop to try on some new shin pads.
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