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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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Everything posted by syko_hockey

  1. this is my first year of travel so we practice in the winter indoors so i really want to get a glove now so i have all winter to break it in for the start of the season.
  2. thats a great policy thanks guys for helping. actually i went to dicks sporting goods today and was pleasantly surprised to see they had nokonas. didnt have enough time to really tell how i liked it or not though. i will try that website though. thanks guys!!
  3. Thanks for the information drewhunz. Wow 12 years the quality of it seems well worth the price and made in the USA. I will be playing in a very competitive league and high school (shortstop)so i want a pro level glove. Do you think this would be a decent glove? http://www.homerunmonkey.com/homerun-nokon...-amg300wfp.html
  4. I am in the market for a new glove and am looking at Nokonas. If anyone has any experience with them i would appreciate any reviews. Thanks
  5. made it to championship game and lost but i got an unsung hero trophy
  6. yeah pugs are awesome but my fawn sheds sooooo much we had to get leather couches cause we had chanel and the hair was unbearable. but they do the funniest things :P
  7. that pug is soo cute. i also have one but its fawn colored named lucy. whats yours name?
  8. just won. now we're going to the championship!!!!!!
  9. made travel fastpitch softball team. we train all winter and season starts in april. gets scouted by colleges cant wait
  10. that almost looks like an ovechkin curve
  11. whats the difference between the one95 lite and the regular?
  12. i just made a travel fast pitch team
  13. what kind of eastons are those other gloves? theyre nice looking
  14. Helmet: Nbh 4500 with itech concept 2 half shield half cage Shoulder pads:CCM v10 Elbow:CCM v06 Gloves:2009 reebok 6k Pants:ice-CCM v08 inline-pink mission wicked 3's Shin guards:CCM v04 Skates:ice-2008 CCM u+ inline CCM v04 Helmet: Nbh 4500 with itech concept 2 half shield half cage Shoulder pads:CCM v10 Elbow:CCM v06 Gloves:2009 reebok 6k Pants:ice-CCM v08 inline-pink mission wicked 3's Shin guards:CCM v04 Skates:ice-2008 CCM u+ inline CCM v04 Sticks:RBK 7k sickkick Warrior Syko Sticks:RBK 7k sickkick Warrior Syko sorry must've hit add reply twice^^^^
  15. how much were those atlanta gloves?
  16. hey JR you can give me some info on the junior vapor x60 thanks!!
  17. i am a forward and take a lot of wrist shots. i am in the market for a new stick. should i get the vapor x60 or the reebok 8.0.8 when they come out i am a forward and take a lot of wrist shots. i am in the market for a new stick. should i get the vapor x60 or the reebok 8.0.8 when they come out
  18. ndlancer it means you take a boot for ice hockey and take the runner and blade off and put a chasis and wheels on and use them as inline skates
  19. so theyre ice conversions. those are sweet
  20. oldtimer72 what reebok skates are those?
  21. i currently have a 50 flex rbk 7k sickkick. in the fall when the reebok 8.0.8k and bauer vapor x60 come out i would like to purchase one or the other but i am not sure which. i play center and left wing and take a lot of wrist shots. which stick would better suit my game? Thanks!
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