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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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Diagnosed w/ Pituitary Tumor

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I just thought I would share this information w/ everybody. I was diagnosed on Thursday w/ a 15mm pituitary tumor secreting excess growth hormone. I will find out this coming Thursday when I meet w/ the neurosurgeon what is going to happen. I'm pretty damn scared as you can imagine but still have hope this can be cured. It was really ironic how they found this. At the end of my game on Monday, this asshole 2-handed my w/ his stick baseball swing style in the side of my head. I had a pretty good headache when I went home but felt dizzy and nautious the next morning. I went into the urgent care clinic and was diagnosed w/ a mild concussion. Just to be on the safe side, they did a cat scan. There was no damage from the 2-hander but they found something abnormal so they immediately ordered an MRI. The MRI confirmed the 15mm tumor. So it looks like the asshole who hit me may have saved my life!

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Medical science has made some amazing advances in recent years. Be confident in your doctors and you will pull through.

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Don't despair, and if you do seek help immediately. I have suffered two years and wasted two years of my life due to medical reasons then depression with the medical problems. If you become upset, talk to a professional. There is no shame in seeking help and comfort. Be strong and don't be afraid to ask questions. I can't sympathyze because what we both face is different, but I can empathyze because we are feeling similar. Good luck.

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I would like to thank everyone for their very encouraging words. They mean more to me than you think. Yes, this is a very difficult time for me and my family but we still have hope for a successful surgery and full recovery. There are only a handful of experts that deal w/ this type of disease and fortunately for me, there is a team very close to home at the University of Michigan. I will know my likely fate on Thursday when I meet with them. I'm just trying to keep my mind off of it until then. Since I would be still be playing if I wouldn't have found out about this and it's not causing me major physical problems, I plan on playing in my game tonight. Why not? I may not ever be able to play again after the surgery so I'm giving it a go!

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Think and remain positive. Hoping all goes well and you're just sidelined for a short period. Your family and friends will help you get through this.

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Right on. Keep your chin up. My Oma had a tumor in her kidney and she pulled through. Try and keep things normal, and always have confidence and find ways to laugh. I think that is one of the most important things. If you give up on yourself it will seem that much worse.

P.S. - Good luck tonight!!!

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Guest phillyfan

" I may not ever be able to play again after the surgery so I'm giving it a go! "

Don't ever think like that, think that it may be your last game until the surgery, but the first of many to come. Have a positive attitude towards it, everything will be fine.

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