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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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fake oakley's

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Hey guys

How do i tell if my oakleys are fake. i have a pairof oakley splice. do all oakley sunglasses have the model written in between the lenses like above the nose?

so yeah help seeing if they are fake any help thanks guys

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I've heard the way to tell is that the logo above the nose is engraved in on real Oakleys and stamped/painted on on fakes. On my real pair, its engraved, but I can't find a pair of my old fake ones to compare it to.

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real oakleys have real high quality lenses, a way to tell is to look into a brightly lit area (not the sun or anything stupid like that) and see how well they work.

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well mine dont have the name engraved on them but they came with a proper box and warrenty n stuff. i wanna know if all models have it engraved

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Have your friend shoot you in the eye with a .22. If you're eye is still there, then they were real. Just kidding. If they have the metal icons on the side of the frame they shouldn't be magnetic. Also, the more expensive ones have laser engraving on them.

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i have a pair of real and fake ones and the only difference i noticed was on the fake ones oakley on top of the nose was missing a letter. cause ya know how the the '' l '' and the '' e '' are together on the real ones well on the fake ones the l was missing. only thing i noticed about them

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If you bought them from a negotiating, pushy street vendor, they're fake.


Or if you got 'em at a rundown hay hut on the sidewalk in Mexico.

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juliets 2 chrome and pewter?

1 pair of half jackets-ducatis

1 pair of half wires-blue

1 pair of xx's in silver

1 pair of mag switches

1 pair of prescription, i forgot the model

couple others

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If you bought them from a negotiating, pushy street vendor, they're fake.


I almost got a pair for $10 at the O's game with JR last year.

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If you bought them from a negotiating, pushy street vendor, they're fake.


I almost got a pair for $10 at the O's game with JR last year.

Haha nice, I love those guys. They are so flexible its amazing..if it was just like that with everything..

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If you bought them from a negotiating, pushy street vendor, they're fake.


I almost got a pair for $10 at the O's game with JR last year.

Haha nice, I love those guys. They are so flexible its amazing..if it was just like that with everything..

Mexico is like that too. They start at like $30 and you can bargain them down to $5-10 a pair.

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