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New pants

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Do you remember the NYR pants I bought at the begining of the season, they were great but now they are beaten and the team I will play for next year obligate their player to play with black pants.

I want to stay away from Mission because they don't fit me well. I'm interest in Easton Air again and Jofa might interest me. Any pants that is light, mobile and that allows decent protection interest me. I'm 32" of waist size.

Give the link or the name of the pants that you recommend me...

Thanks for help...

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I recommend the 8k pants, no complaints yet. Pretty good protection. They have a weird fit as opposed to traditional pants but its okay.

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What do you mean by weird fit. Do you find them bulky?

Well... they're kind of like a girdle. Try them on and you'll see what Im talking about

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Ok, they took a few practices to get used to them and break them in a little but the Nike Quest 2 / Bauer 6000 are sooooo sweet, fairly stream line fit, lite and breazy, extremely mobile, look sharp, awsome spine/back protection and great hip protection, but as i said, takes a few practices to settle into them... so far out of all pants i have owned incldng Easton Airs - Nike Q3's and M2's They are a very nice pant, and not too expensive either.. hope this helps u out Kovy..

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i think the quest 3s are the best pants for any beer league. it's like wearing nothing at all they are so light and they didn't have much padding either but just enough in case you fall. just make sure to jump out of the way when the puck is coming towards ya... something will break if it hits ya and it's not the cheap foam or the paper thin plastic inserts :lol:

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i think the quest 3s are the best pants for any beer league. it's like wearing nothing at all they are so light and they didn't have much padding either but just enough in case you fall. just make sure to jump out of the way when the puck is coming towards ya... something will break if it hits ya and it's not the cheap foam or the paper thin plastic inserts :lol:

I don't think Kovy plays in a beer league.

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Kovy plays Jr. A in quebec. As far as pants go, why not stay with the model you're in? Or grab some higher end Tackla's, can't go wrong with them.

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Top end RBKs, it seemed like all the mods loved them at the trade show.

I like the concept and the innovation, but I have still have some reservations.

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Top end RBKs, it seemed like all the mods loved them at the trade show.

I like the concept and the innovation, but I have still have some reservations.

Please elaborate Chadd.

I need a replacement for my Vapor 10's and the 8K's are on my list. I still haven't seen a pair in person though.

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Kovy plays Jr. A in quebec. As far as pants go, why not stay with the model you're in? Or grab some higher end Tackla's, can't go wrong with them.

That's what I think but it's hard to find Easton Air pants without spine protector...

EDIT - I don't know if someone can help me on this, I need a pair of Easton Air without spine procector color : black, size : medium 32-34"...

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Top end RBKs, it seemed like all the mods loved them at the trade show.

I like the concept and the innovation, but I have still have some reservations.

Please elaborate Chadd.

I need a replacement for my Vapor 10's and the 8K's are on my list. I still haven't seen a pair in person though.

I'm not sold on them being overly protective.

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Hard to go wrong with high-end tacklas!

However, I tried both the Mission M2 and the similarly priced Tacklas and found that the M2s fitted me much better :P

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I'm not sold on them being overly protective.

Okay, thanks.

I really need something with decent protection since I have bruised my tailbone several times and I tend to block shots from the point a lot.

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I have the 8k and I think it's a very well-padded pant. There aren't any gaps in protection and the tailbone is well-padded.

Thanks JR. I'll still give them a shot. The thing that really stinks about pants is you really need to try them on before you can choose the right pair. Most on my shops locally don't carry the top of the line pants so it's a tough search.

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Would the 8K pants be good for a non-contact beer league? I'm looking to get new pants and I'm looking for something super light that isn't bulky. All my other equipment are superlight: Vapor XX Skates, RBK Helmet, XXX Gloves, TPS XN10, etc... :)

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You know what? I got a pair of Hespeller pants on the cheap from Play It Again Sports (or whatever). The RBX's (think that's what they are - paint has worn off since) cost me something like $30 new 4 years ago and are still in great shape. They offer all the protection and mobility you would need (IMMO) for your casual beer league.

Regardless, if you're in a non-contact league, unless you've got tons of guys with blazing 100mph slappers that you're planning to block, I'd not go with high-end tackla's or what not. Get some pants that are on close out from a few years ago on-line or at your LHS.

That's just my opinion though.

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I have the 8k and I think it's a very well-padded pant. There aren't any gaps in protection and the tailbone is well-padded.

Evidently they're different from the ones I've seen.

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Would the 8K pants be good for a non-contact beer league? I'm looking to get new pants and I'm looking for something super light that isn't bulky. All my other equipment are superlight: Vapor XX Skates, RBK Helmet, XXX Gloves, TPS XN10, etc... :)

The bauer 6000 pants would be a good choice for that.

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Really? I heard the Bauer 3000,5000,6000 series are super heavy! I think I'm going to look at the Tackla pants. I heard they are light and good for speed.

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