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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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Xbox 2

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:blink: When did Apple start designing Microsoft's products for them?

I heard that they were using apple's processor or something to that effect for the 360. :rolleyes:

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Is gonna be called the Xbox 360. All the controllers are gonna be wireless and there are gonna be two versions, one with a harddrive and one without. There might be a third version but I forget. And the best part is that Halo 3 is going to be a launch site. I follow xbox alot on another site so if you have any questions just ask.

Heres some more pics...

DVD Remote

Close Up of Controller

Notice the numbers on the grey sphere on the controller and remote. Since it is going to be fully wireless, I guess that is how you determine what controller is which.

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By the way, they are revealing it on Mtv on May.12th or something and around there on CTV for the Canadians here.

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What is is supposed to retail for US?

I forget the exact numbers but you should start saving now.

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Yeah i want it but i don't plan on paying 1000 clams for it so the xbox i have now will be fine untill it's down in price.

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I follow xbox alot on another site so if you have any questions just ask.

Do you know if it will play original Xbox games?

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Saw that design a couple of weeks ago, looks nice. I am more anxious to see the PS3 design though.

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