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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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How often do you tape your stick?

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Every couple practices and usually every game then a wax. Never during tournamnets I can go five six games without taping it when I'm done theres like nothing left.

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I only replace the strip of tape on the bottom of my blade when it wears, which is once every few games. The rest of my blade remains taped, haven't needed to change it for a few months. Luckily for me the strip of tape doesn't fall off when it gets wet.

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My freinds around here cvall me a tape hore. If its a practise, i'll tape it befor. If its a game , every period cause it always gets slashed up and stuff along those lines.

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Before every game. Then usually it takes a practice or 2 before I tape it. So I tape my stick a lot. But I got a case of tape so its all good.

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Just curious, but what is the benefit to taping the stick every game, or like some have said every period?

I play inline on concrete so I'd have to retape once every shift, and I'm thinking thats a little outrageous.

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for roller i don't have to tape up very often as the sport court doesn't chew it up on the bottom.

On the ice i'll tape up as and when it becomes all chewed up. When the ice is real bad, either too wet or not cut properly the tape will tear up and come off with snow build up, so i'll typically re tape after that .

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Every ice time for the blade. The end I was taping about once a week, constantly trying out new things, but I'm pretty set on a butt end now, so thats come to a hault.

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How about this. WHat color tape do you use? and why?

I use black. Iv always used black and then i tried white because i find it looks better, but for that one practice i was stick handling really bad. Theres no doubt it was just an off day for me, but i blamed it all on the white tape and now iam afraid to go back to it. :D . I use blue tape sometimes cuse it goes good with my TFG.

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I use black. Used to use white but it looks like hell after a handful of shifts. I dont really believe in any of that black hides the puck stuff either, but to each his own I guess. I use blue to do upper end of the stick.

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I only have access to the Renfrew tape. I use black for blades and white for the top handle grip. Black has rubbed off on my gloves over the years and it's hard to get the stuff off. I find my black tape frays a little better than the white does, doesn't hang off as much when it wears down.

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I tape my blades when they need it(3-4 games), as for butt ends....few wraps around when I first get it...and it's never touched again

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